xCloud: Microsoft opens registrations in Europe - Geeko

Already tested for several months in the United States, Microsoft's cloud-gaming service is starting its international deployment with Europe. Microsoft has just opened registrations for xCloud in 11 European countries, including France, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.

Complementary to the Xbox offer, xCloud will allow players who do not have a game console to play Xbox games on their smartphone or tablet, by subscribing to a monthly plan which will give access to a certain number of titles. The games will not be installed on the devices but streamed via 5G and Wifi.

In the preview phase, access to the service is free. No reason not to try it then. Note however that it will still have a compatible Xbox One controller and preferably a smartphone holder to enjoy it in ideal conditions.

The battle against Stadia will begin

Microsoft has not yet given details about the official launch date of the service. For a few more months, xCloud should remain accessible for free, while a commercial offer is put in place. Objective: to counter the efforts of Google and its cloud-gaming service Stadia.

To register, nothing more simple since it is enough to click on this link, to complete the information and to wait patiently for the email from Microsoft. The deployment of the platform in Europe will be done gradually. Not all players will have access to the service simultaneously, hence the importance of registering as soon as possible.

Important clarification: for the moment, the program is only accessible to owners of Android smartphones. For iOS terminals, you will have to be patient before you can test Microsoft's service…


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  • Culture
  • Smartphone
  • Google Stadia
  • Europe
  • High-Tech
  • Microsoft
  • Google
  • Video games
  • Xbox One