Teller Report

Few find their way to the social services' chat in Eskilstuna: "Have received requests to extend the hours"

5/23/2023, 5:19:27 PM

Highlights: You can chat with social workers on Eskilstuna municipality's website. The chat is part of the social services' digitalization where you can get advice and support anonymously. When the chat started, several people got in touch, but during the spring it has become fewer and fewer. The hope is that we will reach out to a broader target group. For example, young people who might prefer to express themselves in writing, says Victoria Cheragi, team leader at social services reception. According to her, the advantage of the chat is that you can be anonymous.

For a year now, you can chat with social workers on Eskilstuna municipality's website. The chat is part of the social services' digitalization where you can get advice and support anonymously. But visits have decreased.

The chat is open for two hours every weekday and when the chat started, several people got in touch, but during the spring it has become fewer and fewer. Therefore, social services review accessibility.

– The hope is that we will reach out to a broader target group. For example, young people who might prefer to express themselves in writing, says Victoria Cheragi, team leader at the social services reception.

According to her, the advantage of the chat is that you can be anonymous.

"Then we can also reach people who do not feel comfortable contacting social services. In the chat, we do not process any personal data, but we can answer questions in general and provide guidance on various issues, she says.

In the clip, Victoria Cheragi talks about what the residents of Eskilstuna are asking about and how they want to increase accessibility.