Teller Report

Established working method at home care services in Lugnvik threatened with new Working Time Directive – more difficult to schedule

4/15/2023, 3:04:54 PM

Highlights: Home care service in Lugnvik in Kramfors has for several years worked with something they call "contact manship" This means that all users have the right to their own contact person in the team. Something that is now threatened by the new Working Time Directive. To make it work, contact persons have been placed and scheduled in one of the region's four different care teams. In this way, it is usually the same people that the users meet in their everyday lives. This is possible thanks to, so far, flexible scheduling.

The home care service in Lugnvik in Kramfors municipality has for several years worked with something they call "contact manship". This means that all users have the right to their own contact person in the team. Something that is now threatened by the new Working Time Directive.

To create a safer life for those in need of home help, the users in Lugnvik have earmarked contact persons. This is possible thanks to, so far, flexible scheduling.

– All users are entitled to a contact person who is responsible for the visit plan, implementation plan and more, says Malin Nordlöf, unit manager at Lugnvik's home care service.

Difficult with the new rules

To make it work, contact persons have been placed and scheduled in one of the region's four different care teams. In this way, it is usually the same people that the users meet in their everyday lives.

– We see that this will be more difficult to schedule as we have done so far, says Malin Nordlöf.