Teller Report

Russia expressed concern over Western attempts to instruct the UN on UAVs in Ukraine

10/21/2022, 8:11:36 PM

Russia is concerned about attempts by Western countries to give any instructions to the UN Secretariat regarding the investigation of the alleged use of Iranian drones in Ukraine, follows from a letter from the Russian permanent mission to the international organization.

“We would like to express our most serious concern about the attempts of member states to give instructions to the UN Secretariat in violation of Article 100 of the Charter of the organization,” TASS quotes the text of the document.

The letter focused on France, Germany and Great Britain in the context of the situation.

In September, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry announced a decision to deprive the Iranian ambassador in Kyiv of accreditation due to unconfirmed reports of arms supplies to Russia.

Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Kremlin has no information about Russia's purchase of drones from Iran.

Dmitry Polyansky, the first deputy representative of the country to the world organization, called the accusations of the West disinformation.

According to him, Russia will reassess relations with the UN secretariat in the event of an investigation into the UAV.

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