Teller Report

Sweden turns right: Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson resigns

9/14/2022, 6:38:39 PM

Andersson acknowledged the right-wing coalition's victory, backed by Jimmie Akesson's ultra-right. According to the almost definitive results, the right / extreme right bloc will get 176 seats in Parliament against 173 on the left

Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, leader of the Social Democrats, resigned as prime minister.

The announcement arrived on live TV while the last votes of last Sunday's political elections are still counted.

The premier acknowledged the victory of the right-wing coalition, supported by Jimmie Akesson's ultra-right Swedish Democrats.

The resignation of the social democratic leader will be officially presented on Thursday.

The bloc made up of three right-wing parties and the far-right party of the Swedish Democrats (SD) has "a small majority, but still a majority," Andersson said at a press conference.

"I will therefore ask tomorrow (Thursday) to be relieved of my duties as President of the Council and the responsibility will be entrusted to the President of the Parliament", he added.

According to near-final results, which cover more than 99% of the polling stations, the right / far-right bloc led by conservative Ulf Kristersson will get 176 seats, compared to 173 in the left bloc led by Andersson.

Sunday's elections were so tight that it was necessary to wait for a few tens of thousands of missing votes to be counted to validate the full results.

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