Teller Report

New York declares a polio emergency after the discovery of the first infection in 10 years

9/9/2022, 10:42:39 PM

New York Governor Kathy Hochhol declared a state of emergency to combat the polio virus, after signs emerged that it was spreading among the state's residents.

New York Governor Kathy Hochhol declared a state of emergency to combat the polio virus, after signs emerged that it was spreading among the state's residents.

Hochhol issued the executive order Friday to boost polio vaccination rates, after the virus was detected in wastewater samples in 4 counties in the state.

New York began monitoring wastewater after an adult who had not received the polio vaccine fell ill in Rockland County last July.

And the authorities classified this man - who is suffering from paralysis - as the first confirmed infection in the United States in nearly a decade, according to what was announced by the state health department.

State Health Commissioner Mary Bassett said - in a statement - "I'm simply saying we can't take the risk. If you or your children are not vaccinated or are not familiar with the vaccinations, paralysis becomes a real danger."

Polio vaccination rates are dangerously low in some New York counties, according to official statistics.

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