Teller Report

Mats Knutson: "Dead race between government alternatives"

9/9/2022, 7:54:37 PM

Heated debates on the most important issues of the election campaign: energy, schools and shootings. Here, SVT's political commentator Mats Knutson explains why the energy issue may decide the election and why SVT's final debate is so important to the party leaders.

Two days before the election, much is at stake for all parties.

According to SVT Novus' latest survey, Magdalena Andersson leads with 20,000 voters, and the margin of error does not make the survey completely reliable either, something that makes the final days completely decisive.

When the party leaders go into the final debate on SVT, the last party leader debate before election Sunday, there is a lot to lose - and to win if you ask Mats Knutson.

- The opinion polls show that there are such small differences between the parties that it is not possible to see who is actually leading, he says.

- A third of the voters make up their minds in the last week and five percent change blocks.

There are voters to influence and it is these that the party leaders try to influence, he continues.

The energy issue – the most important of the election

In the final debate, several of the party leaders clash over the energy issue.

An issue that Knutson believes has become the single most important issue in the final stages of the election campaign.

The fact that such heated discussions broke out, he believes, is due to the fact that this particular issue may decide the election.

- We see how Ulf Kristersson accuses the government and how Magdalena Andersson takes a calmer role.

With this, they are trying to show how they have a solution to the crisis, he says.

See Mats Knutson's analysis of SVT's final debate in the video above.

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