Teller Report

Kajsa Ekis Ekman will be the new editor-in-chief at Arbetaren

8/29/2022, 9:04:01 AM

The writer and debater Kajsa Ekis Ekman will be the new editor-in-chief at Arbetaren. The decision has upset several employees at the newspaper. Three employees are threatened with dismissal and the board has resigned in connection with the conflict, something Dagens Media was the first to tell.

The newspaper Arbetaren has appointed Kajsa Ekis Ekman as the new editor-in-chief.

The decision has created conflict as the employer Federativs Förlagshus AB warned

three of the employees at the newspaper about dismissal, after they protested against the recruitment.  

Adam Påhlman Tiwe is the Journalists' Association's ombudsman and is pursuing the case against the newspaper. 

- Those concerned are of course sad and worried.

But at the same time, they feel strong support from readers now that this has become public, he tells SVT.

Broke after statement on Russia Today

It was in April that Dagens ETC chose to break with the writer Kajsa Ekis Ekman, who had freelanced for the newspaper for several years. 

ETC's editor-in-chief Andreas Gustavsson justified the decision by saying that Ekis Ekman's "social interactions have trivialized Russia Today and what they do in the world". 

Russia today, RT, is a Russian state-controlled television channel.

Kajsa Ekis Ekman replied that she only participated in a discussion on social media about whether politicians should be criticized for appearing in interviews with the television channel.

"Not sure they broke the law"

According to the co-determination act (mbl), employers must include their employees when, for example, a manager is appointed, which may include editors-in-chief.

But when an activity rests on a non-profit or political nature, there may be an exception in the law, says Adam Påhlman Tiwe. 

- It is not certain that the newspaper has violated the MBL, because Arbetaren is a political trade union newspaper.

But regardless of whether you have an obligation to negotiate or not, we always think that as an employer you should involve your employees in important decisions. 

Discussion takes place next Friday

According to Adam Påhlman Tiwe, the Union of Journalists will meet the employer and their CEO Thomas Karsson on Friday next week, where the employer can explain why they warned the employees.

- Hopefully we will come to a solution where our members will be able to keep their jobs and that this can have a reasonably good end.

On Thursday, it was announced that all five members of Arbetaren's board had resigned, Journalisten reports.

Kulturnyheterna has sought Kajsa Ekis Ekman and CEO Thomas Karlsson for a statement.

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