Teller Report

The State Department said there were no plans for Blinken to meet with Lavrov in Cambodia

7/29/2022, 9:24:58 PM

During a telephone briefing, a State Department spokesman said that a meeting between US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Cambodia during ASEAN week is not planned.

“We have no plans to meet with Lavrov in Cambodia,” RIA Novosti quotes him as saying.

Earlier it was reported that Blinken will visit the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cambodia, Rwanda, the Philippines and South Africa from August 2 to 12.

Also on July 29, Blinken stated that he had a conversation with Lavrov.

The conversation took place at the initiative of Washington.

The American Secretary of State noted that his conversation with Lavrov was frank and straightforward, the parties discussed, among other things, the exchange of prisoners.

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