Teller Report

Nazis - not a square meter

7/26/2022, 8:59:16 PM

“In territorial terms: all of Ukraine will go to Russia. All. For if even one square meter is left to the Ukronazis, they will not grow bread on it, but will prepare anti-Russian saboteurs.”

In territorial terms: all of Ukraine will go to Russia.


For if you leave at least one square meter to the Ukronazis, they will not grow bread on it, but will prepare anti-Russian saboteurs.

Politically: no autonomous republics (only Donbass deserved it), but only full-fledged regions of Russia.

In the conquered territories, one must behave like a conqueror, and not a humble guest.

The people love the owners, not the mumblings.

In military terms: first there will be a period of defeat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and national bands.

The generals of the Ministry of Defense are in charge at this stage.

The second period is the search for and neutralization of the leaders, the defeat of gangs and the Ukrainian underground.

This is the time of the Cheka, the FSB will lead.

The third period is the complete cessation of the power resistance of the remnants of the Ukronazis.

This period belongs to the Russian Guard.

At the same time, the formation of Russian military units, units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB will begin on the territory of the former Ukraine.

At first, only 10% of local residents will be in them, then 30, 50%.

And so on until the normal rotation of the security forces throughout Russia begins.

If we grow corruption and embezzlement on this territory, nothing will help us, the Ukrainian project will die, and this will be an inglorious story.

An uncompromising approach to corruption a la Ramzan Akhmatovich is needed here.

And the budgets here will be fat, crooks with a reputation will be mo-o-ore!

For any revanchist thought - the guillotine.

For stealing the budget - execution, for a false report on the situation in the entrusted region - execution, for proven sabotage - to shoot (I do not mind).

No sharing with Romania, England, Hungary, and even more so Poland.

They are enemies.

And the contribution to helping the Bandera people should be evaluated for each of the 50 whore countries, from the United States to Moldova.

In the future (to be adopted by law), each such country must pay an indemnity.

Not immediately, in parts, let each contract take this into account.

Long live satisfaction!!!

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editors.

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