Teller Report

Analyst Shein explained the decision of the Central Bank to extend the restrictions on the issuance of cash currency

7/22/2022, 2:52:24 PM

Maxim Shein, head of the investment strategies department at BCS World Investments, commented in an interview with RT on the statement of the head of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina about the forced extension by the Central Bank in September of restrictions on the issuance of cash currency.

“The Central Bank has set a course for the devaluation of the Russian economy and the banking system, first of all.

We see the consequences of this.

Banks are getting rid of assets, introducing commissions so that the population does not keep money in foreign currency, ”Shein explained.

He clarified that in order to ensure the demand for cash currency, it must be supplied to the market.

“Either it must be sold by those who keep it inside Russia, or it must be imported from outside,” the expert said.

Earlier it became known that the Central Bank in September will be forced to extend the restrictions on the issuance of cash currency.

On March 9, the Bank of Russia introduced a temporary procedure for operations with cash, according to which a client can withdraw up to $10,000 in cash, and the rest in rubles at the market rate on the day of issue.

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