Teller Report

Great interest in the Göta Canal's 200th anniversary: ​​"A bit of a folk festival"

7/9/2022, 5:28:21 PM

The interest was great on Saturday when the Göta Canal celebrated 200 years. In Berg's locks, both the orchestra and the scout corps welcomed the King and Queen when they were locked down to the harbor basin.

I look forward to seeing the King and Queen, I have not done that before so it will be nice, says Anette Carlsson who traveled from Oxelesund.

But in addition to the King's visit, several were reluctant to spend the day with the family.

- It will be great to just hang out with the family and the people around.

It's a bit of a folk festival anyway, says visitor Johan Ingermarsson.

Hear more in the clip about what visitors are most looking forward to.

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