Teller Report

Legislative: after the agreement with the Communists, LFI urges the PS for a quick decision

5/3/2022, 6:59:17 PM

The talks began on Monday morning between La France insoumise and the Socialist Party, and are therefore still not over at the headquarters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon's party. Discussions are dragging on between the two left-wing parties. It gets stuck in particular on the distribution of constituencies.

Victor Chabert, edited by Solène Leroux 8:48 p.m., May 03, 2022

The talks began Monday morning between La France insoumise and the Socialist Party, and are therefore still not over at the headquarters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon's party.

The discussions drag on between the two left formations.

It gets stuck in particular on the distribution of constituencies.

Still no agreement between the rebels and the socialists in view of the legislative elections.

The talks began on Monday morning and are therefore still not finished at the headquarters of France insoumise.

The discussions drag on between the two left formations.

It gets stuck in particular on the distribution of constituencies.

The Socialist Party is asking for between 60 and 70, including around thirty winnable ones, among others in the North, Occitania or in Paris, the strongholds of Martine Aubry, Carole Delga or Anne Hidalgo.

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For their part, the rebellious executives explain that the PS is too greedy compared to its score in the first round of the presidential election.

As a reminder, Anne Hidalgo collected only 1.7% of the votes cast on the evening of April 10.

The PS too demanding?

Conversely, an agreement was reached with the Communists on Tuesday, after that with Europe Écologie-Les Verts on Monday.

It was validated very largely this afternoon by the national council of the PCF, with the key 50 constituencies, including 16 winnable.

"It's more good news that the Communist Party is joining this new People's Union, with discussions which began several weeks ago and which ended this morning", detailed Manuel Bompard at the microphone of Europe 1. .

The campaign manager of Jean-Luc Mélenchon does not hide his satisfaction, but wishes even better: "Now, I hope that in the next few hours, we will be able to announce the extension of this agreement, to ensure that we can leave all together in the election battle."


 "It was time!"

: the activists of the PS hope for the union of the left

The suspense remains intact on the side of the Socialist Party.

A suspense which should however not last very long.

Several rebellious executives put pressure on the Socialists.

For them, this Tuesday, May 3, is the last day to reach an agreement.

May 3 is the anniversary of the victory of the Popular Front in the legislative elections of 1936.

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