Teller Report

Three official offers to buy Chelsea after deadline

3/19/2022, 7:28:51 AM

Three offers were made to buy Chelsea Football Club, the English Premier League, one led by British real estate developer Nick Candy and another from the Ricketts family that owns the Chicago Cups and a consortium that includes Sir Martin Bruton and Lord Sebastian Coe.

Three official offers to buy Chelsea after deadline

Three offers were made to buy Chelsea Football Club, the English Premier League, one of which is led by British real estate developer Nick Candy and another from the Ricketts family that owns the Chicago Cups and a consortium that includes Sir Martin Bruton and Lord Sebastian Coe.

The US Rain Bank Group is overseeing the sale process before the British government imposed sanctions on the former owner, Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, and set a deadline for receiving offers that expired today.

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