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Diego S. Garrocho, winner of the 2021 David Gistau Journalism Prize

11/11/2021, 2:13:38 PM

The David Gistau Prize for Journalism already has its second winner: Diego S. Garrocho for his article Letter to a postmodern youth. The Vice Dean of Research of the Faculty ...

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The David Gistau Prize for Journalism already has its second winner:

Diego S. Garrocho for his article

Letter to a postmodern youth


The Vice Dean of Research of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Madrid has been recognized with this award, given by Vocento and Unidad Editorial, for his opinion in

El Español,

in which he denounces the postmodernist tendency that seeks to deactivate the intellectual weapons of criticism in our society.

The jury, made up of four firms from EL MUNDO and four from ABC, has highlighted

"the intellectual background" and "the commitment in defense of the philosophical and ethical thought"

of Garrocho at a time when this discipline is being bordered both in the Education as in everyday life, especially in that of the youngest. Precisely the youth of the winner, 37 years old, together with the quality of the text presented, has also been valued by Jorge Bustos, Maite Rico, Antonio Lucas, Rafa Latorre, Juan Manuel de Prada, Mar Cohnen, Lorenzo Silva and Alberto Aguirre de Cárcer to grant her recognition.

Letter to a postmodern young man

gathers the concerns of this university professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy and delves into the problems posed by the current world where critical thought has been displaced in pursuit of an inauthentic way of life, each day further away from tradition illustrated. "Fact and interpretation are no longer valid for you:

you read it as you read it, your life sucks. And it sucks because the accounts don't come out

. You have spent the last few years believing that you deconstruct canons, conventions, norms and meanings, but deep down you can no longer fool anyone. The only thing you have destroyed is your own life, "he collects in his text.

Garrocho will be the successor of Alberto Olmos, who last year inaugurated this award sponsored by Fundación ACS, Mapfre, Santander and Telefónica and which is endowed with an economic remuneration of 10,000 euros. This Philosophy professor has collaborated with different national media such as EL MUNDO,

El País


El Confidencial, El Español or Público

and currently does so with


trying to provide in all of them a vision about the society that are presented to young people in our society


His article has been selected from a total of 350 nominations from various national and regional media, which in mid-October passed a first pre-selection and reduced that number to one close to twenty.

This Thursday, the eight members of the jury gathered at the Unidad Editorial and EL MUNDO headquarters have finally named Diego S. Garrocho as the winner of the second edition of the David Gistau Prize for Journalism 2021, which is held in honor of the late columnist.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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