Teller Report

"Incident will be investigated": US nuclear submarine collides with an unknown object in the South China Sea

10/8/2021, 9:02:06 PM

The press service of the US Navy reported that their Seawolf-class attack submarine USS Connecticut collided with an object in the South China Sea. As a result of the emergency, the nuclear power plant and submarine compartments were not damaged. The US Navy is investigating what happened. Meanwhile, according to media reports, 11 American sailors were injured of moderate and mild severity, but no one needed an emergency evacuation for hospitalization.

The Seawolf-class nuclear attack submarine USS Connecticut (SSN 22) collided with an unknown underwater object while diving in international waters of the Indo-Pacific.

This is stated in a statement by the press service of the Pacific Fleet of the United States of America.

"The Seawolf-class fast attack submarine USS Connecticut (SSN 22) collided with the object while submerged on the afternoon of October 2," the US Navy said.

It is noted that the crew members were not injured that could threaten their lives.

The Pacific Fleet noted that the submarine remains in a safe and stable state, while the nuclear power plant and USS Connecticut compartments were not damaged, they remain fully operational.

“The degree of damage to the rest of the submarine is being estimated.

The US Navy did not ask for help.

The incident will be investigated, ”the message says.

Later, the news portal of the US Navy Institute, citing a Defense Department official, reported that 11 sailors were injured as a result of the incident, with minor and moderate injuries.

According to him, after the collision, the submarine goes to Guam on the surface, its arrival is expected within 24 hours.

At the same time, a Military Times source said that none of the victims required an emergency evacuation for hospitalization, despite the fact that two crew members received moderate injuries.

According to him, the injuries of the victims can be described as "bruises, bruises and deep cuts."

In addition, he pointed out that the topography of the area at the time of the emergency did not indicate the presence of land in front of the submarine.

In addition, there is no indication that the incident was hostile.

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In turn, the American television channel CNN noted that the incident with USS Connecticut occurred against the backdrop of growing tensions between the United States and China over Taiwan.

The article adds that the submarine previously participated in a large multinational "show of power" near the South China Sea, in which the forces of the United States, Great Britain, Japan, Australia, Canada and the Netherlands were involved.

This is the Carrier Strike Group 21 exercise.

Tensions between Washington and Beijing are also evidenced by the words of State Department spokesman Ned Price.

“We are very concerned about the provocative military actions of the PRC near Taiwan.

As we said, such activity destabilizes the situation, is fraught with errors in assessment, and undermines peace and stability in the region.

Therefore, we urge Beijing to end its military, diplomatic and economic pressure and coercion against Taiwan, ”he said during the briefing.

We add that from October 1 to October 4, the PRC carried out large-scale flights of military aviation to the waters of Taiwan.

At the same time, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hua Chunying accused Washington of provocative actions damaging Sino-US relations and undermining regional peace and stability.

This statement came after the Pentagon announced support for Taiwan's self-defense capabilities, including plans to sell weapons worth $ 750 million.

In turn, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki expressed US concern over China's "provocative actions" in the Taiwan region and called on Beijing to abandon pressure and coercion against Taipei.

At the same time, she called the US obligations to the island territory "unshakable" and contributing to the maintenance of peace and stability.

“We are deeply interested in peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

That is why we will continue to help Taiwan maintain sufficient self-defense capabilities, ”she said.

On October 5, US President Joe Biden said that he discussed the situation around Taiwan with Chinese President Xi Jinping during a telephone conversation in early September.

He stressed that an agreement was reached to adhere to previously concluded agreements on the island issue.

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At the same time, on October 7, The Wall Street Journal, citing sources, said that the American special forces unit, as well as the Marines, have allegedly been conducting secret activities in Taiwan for more than a year in order to strengthen the island's defense capabilities.

The Pentagon then came forward with accusations against China because of the alleged outgoing threat from their side.

“I have no comments on specific operations, engagement or preparation, but I would like to emphasize that our support and defense ties with Taiwan remain directed against the current threat posed by the PRC,” said US Department of Defense spokesman John Supple, whose words quoted by TASS.

According to him, Beijing has directed efforts to destabilize the situation in the East China and South China Seas.

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