Teller Report

The prosecutor's office began an investigation into an emergency with an airplane in the Irkutsk region

9/12/2021, 5:19:57 PM

The East Siberian Transport Prosecutor's Office has begun an investigation into the incident with the L-410 passenger aircraft in the Irkutsk Region.

“The accident took place in the area of ​​the Kirenga River.

There were 14 passengers on board the aircraft, two crew members, ”the prosecutor's office said in a statement.

The Osetrovsky transport prosecutor went to the scene of the accident.

The incident took place on the evening of September 12th.

The L-410 passenger aircraft made a hard landing in the Irkutsk region, there were 16 people on board.

The representative of the airline "SiLA" said that the plane disappeared from radar during a second landing.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case.

According to preliminary data, all passengers are alive, one is in serious condition.

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