Teller Report

Joe Biden defends his decision and discharges responsibilities in Afghanistan: "Afghan leaders have fled the country"

8/16/2021, 8:21:00 PM

Joe Biden arrived in Washington on Monday after shortening his vacation to address the nation about the crisis in Afghanistan, where 20 years of military intervention ...

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Joe Biden arrived in Washington on Monday after shortening his vacation to address the nation about the crisis in Afghanistan, where 20 years of US military intervention ended in chaos.

The 78-year-old Democratic leader, silent for several days in the face of the most serious crisis since his election in November, shortened his stay at Camp David, the vacation spot of US presidents.

He was originally scheduled to remain there until Wednesday, but the Taliban's blitzkrieg of Afghanistan, and the chaotic evacuation carried out by US forces there, made his stay outside of Washington and away from the press untenable.

"Whether seen as fair or unfair, history will recall that Joe Biden presided over the humiliating conclusion to the American experience in Afghanistan," after 20 years of war, says the New York Times.

Faced with this wave of criticism never seen since the election, Biden's White House, that well-oiled machine, seems paralyzed.

Only at Camp David

On Thursday and Friday, as the Taliban took control of Afghanistan with astonishing speed, the White House's priority remained praising the "Biden plan" that would supposedly rebuild the US economy on a more just basis.

And on Saturday, through a statement, he announced raising the military deployment in Kabul to about 5,000 soldiers to ensure the evacuation of civilians.

Then he would announce another thousand more.

But his presidency, hitherto fairly controlled, with promises to pursue "boring" economic and social reforms, as Biden himself put it, has indeed been shaken.

So far, nothing has dampened a firmly anchored popularity rating above 50%, not even the recent spike in the covid-19 pandemic.

Last week was to be the consecration of the efforts of the president, a shrewd veteran of American politics, to pass a gigantic infrastructure program with the votes of some Republican senators.


The Republican opposition, until now muted because American public opinion was overwhelmingly in favor of troop withdrawal, has rushed against the Democratic administration for what it sees as a humiliation for the US military.

His Republican predecessor Donald Trump also pounced against Biden, asking for his resignation despite the fact that he had decided the definitive withdrawal of US troops as of May 1, 2021, a deadline postponed until August 31 by the Democratic government. .

"The outcome in Afghanistan, including the pullout, would have been totally different if the Trump Administration had been in charge. Who or what will Joe Biden surrender to next? Someone should ask him if they can find him," the former president said in a communicated on Monday.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Joe biden

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