Teller Report

Intelligence agencies of the United States and Britain announced the "involvement" of Russia in cyberattacks

7/1/2021, 7:55:55 PM

The American and British intelligence agencies have published a joint report claiming that the Russian GRU was allegedly involved in hacker attacks on hundreds of government and private structures around the world.

As reported by RIA Novosti, the report says that "from at least mid-2019 to early 2021, the GRU, military unit 26165 allegedly" used the Kubernetes cluster to conduct large-scale, distributed and anonymized "attempts to gain access to objects.

The report also argues that cyberattacks "almost certainly continue to this day."

Earlier, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said that Moscow sent Washington over 40 appeals related to cyberattacks on state structures and systems of Russia, but there was no response from the United States.

The Kremlin emphasized that Moscow was not involved in cyber attacks on American facilities, and the accusations against it were unfounded and caused by Russophobia.

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