Teller Report

Covid-19: 22,749 hospitalized, new decline in critical care services

5/19/2021, 3:24:05 PM

The number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized in critical care continued to decline on Monday, while the total number of hospitalizations was at the lowest for six months, according to figures from Public Health France.

The number of Covid-19 patients hospitalized in critical care continued to decline on Monday, while the total number of hospitalizations was at the lowest for six months, according to figures from Public Health France.

According to figures communicated on Monday by Public Health France, the total number of hospitalizations continues to decline, while the critical care services (which bring together resuscitation, intensive care and continuous monitoring) now have 4,186 patients with Covid, against 4,255 the day before.

This figure had remained around 5,900 to 6,000 during the second half of April, the peak of the third wave, before falling sharply in early May.

The number of admissions to these services will have been relatively low during the long Ascension weekend (between 100 and just over 150) and 204 on Monday.


- Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Monday, May 17

Lower since the end of October

In total, 22,749 people are hospitalized for Covid-19, a total at the lowest since the end of October 2020.

The Directorate General of Health (DGS) identified Monday 20.7 million French people having received at least one dose of vaccine, including nearly 9 million who received two.

The government is targeting 30 million first injections by mid-June, now that it is open to everyone over 18 under certain conditions.

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