Teller Report

The seven-day incidence in North Rhine-Westphalia is only dropping slightly

5/12/2021, 10:36:31 PM

display Berlin / Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - In the corona pandemic, an important indicator in North Rhine-Westphalia fell only slightly. On Monday morning, the Robert Koch Institute reported a seven-day incidence for the state of 128.8, 0.4 less than the day before. A week ago it was 158.5. The weekly incidence indicates how many new infections per 100,000 inhabitants were detected within seven day


Berlin / Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - In the corona pandemic, an important indicator in North Rhine-Westphalia fell only slightly.

On Monday morning, the Robert Koch Institute reported a seven-day incidence for the state of 128.8, 0.4 less than the day before.

A week ago it was 158.5.

The weekly incidence indicates how many new infections per 100,000 inhabitants were detected within seven days.

According to the RKI, the last 1696 cases were added in one day in North Rhine-Westphalia, 16 more people died as a result of a coronavirus infection.

This means that there are demonstrably 15,943 fatalities in connection with the virus in the state.

The highest seven-day incidence was reported for Leverkusen on Monday morning at 254.7; the values ​​are also very high in Hagen (227.9), Mettmann (224.5) and in the Oberbergischer Kreis (201.4).

The best locations are in Münster (56.8), Coesfeld (66.6) and Soest (66.9).


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