Teller Report

Pedelec driver is hit by car: seriously injured

4/24/2021, 10:43:32 PM

display Neuhof (dpa / lhe) - A man was hit by a car on his pedelec in Neuhof (Fulda district) and was seriously injured. A 65-year-old wanted to change the side of the street with his e-bike on Friday afternoon and overlooked that a stationary car was starting again. According to the police, this led to a collision between the two vehicles. The man fell from his pedelec and suffered serious injur


Neuhof (dpa / lhe) - A man was hit by a car on his pedelec in Neuhof (Fulda district) and was seriously injured.

A 65-year-old wanted to change the side of the street with his e-bike on Friday afternoon and overlooked that a stationary car was starting again.

According to the police, this led to a collision between the two vehicles.

The man fell from his pedelec and suffered serious injuries.

The driver was unharmed.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210424-99-333705 / 2


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