Teller Report

Collision with a car: scooter driver fatally injured

3/31/2021, 8:38:57 PM

display Regen (dpa / lby) - In a head-on collision with a car, a 41-year-old scooter driver had a fatal accident in Regen (Regen district). According to current knowledge, the car driver got into the opposite lane on Wednesday and collided with the scooter driver there, the police said. In the accident on State Road 2135 (Regen-Deggendorf), the scooter driver suffered such serious injuries that h


Regen (dpa / lby) - In a head-on collision with a car, a 41-year-old scooter driver had a fatal accident in Regen (Regen district).

According to current knowledge, the car driver got into the opposite lane on Wednesday and collided with the scooter driver there, the police said.

In the accident on State Road 2135 (Regen-Deggendorf), the scooter driver suffered such serious injuries that he died on site.

He had only turned onto the street 300 meters earlier.

The 53-year-old driver and his passenger were uninjured.

The state road in the direction of Deggendorf was completely closed for about four hours after the accident.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210331-99-47955 / 2


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