Teller Report

Covid-19: nearly 4,900 patients in intensive care, the peak of the 2nd wave almost reached

3/28/2021, 4:02:43 PM

The bar of 5,000 patients in intensive care is approaching, while the total number of hospitalizations also continues to increase, a sign that the current restrictions are struggling to take effect. & Nbsp; In 24 hours, 131 patients died in the hospital. 'hospital.

The bar of 5,000 patients in intensive care is approaching, while the total number of hospitalizations also continues to increase, a sign that the current restrictions are struggling to produce their effects.

In 24 hours, 131 patients died in hospital.

The number of patients with Covid-19 in intensive care continued to increase on Sunday, reaching nearly 4,900 patients, almost the peak of the second wave in the fall, according to data from Public Health France (SPF).

In total, 4,872 patients were in intensive care on Sunday against 4,791 on Saturday.

A figure which is close to that of the 2nd wave in the fall which peaked on November 16 at 4,903 patients.


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Steady increase in resuscitation

In the past 24 hours, ICU admissions have slowed slightly to 238 from 332 patients the day before.

The number of patients in intensive care has been rising steadily since the lowest recorded on January 7 (2,573 patients). 


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The total number of people hospitalized in France because of Covid-19 was 27,712 on Sunday, including 1,017 new admissions against 27,259 on Saturday.

In 24 hours, 131 patients died in hospital as a result of Covid-19, against 194 the day before.

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