Teller Report

1871 new cases of "Corona" ... and 7 deaths

3/22/2021, 10:13:55 PM

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced the conduct of 185,531 new examinations during the past 24 hours on various groups in society, using the best and latest medical examination techniques, in line with its plan to expand and increase the scope of examinations in the country, with the aim of early detection and counting the cases

The Ministry of Health performs 185,000 examinations within 24 hours

1871 new cases of "Corona" ... and 7 deaths

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced the conduct of 185,531 new examinations during the past 24 hours on various groups in society, using the best and latest medical examination techniques, in line with its plan to expand and increase the scope of examinations in the country, with the aim of early detection and counting cases infected with the emerging corona virus (Covid) -19) And those who are in contact with them and isolate them.

The intensification of investigation and examination procedures and the expansion of the number of examinations at the state level contributed to the detection of 1871 new cases of the emerging coronavirus of different nationalities, all of which are stable and subject to the necessary health care, thus the total number of registered cases reaches 442 thousand and 226 cases.

The Ministry also announced the death of seven infected cases as a result of the repercussions of infection with the virus, bringing the number of deaths in the country to 1445 cases.

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection expressed its regret and sincere condolences and condolences to the families of the deceased, and its wishes for a speedy recovery for all the injured, calling upon community members to cooperate with health authorities, adhere to instructions, and adhere to social distancing to ensure the health and safety of all.

‌ The Ministry announced that 2,144 new cases of people infected with the new Coronavirus have recovered and fully recovered from the symptoms of the disease after receiving the necessary health care since entering the hospital, thus bringing the total number of recovery cases to 424,840 cases.

75,957 doses of the "Covid-19" vaccine

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced the provision of 75 thousand and 957 doses of the "Covid-19" vaccine during the past 24 hours, thus bringing the total of the doses that have been provided until yesterday to seven million and 374 thousand and 725 doses, and the rate of vaccine distribution is 74.56 doses per 100 people.

This comes in line with the ministry's plan to provide the "Covid-19" vaccine and in an effort to reach the acquired immunity resulting from the vaccination, which will help reduce the number of cases and control the "Covid-19" virus.


A new case of recovery for those infected with Coronavirus, and a full recovery from symptoms of the disease, after receiving the necessary health care.

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