Teller Report

US official: Pyongyang has not responded to the secret communication attempts

3/14/2021, 10:11:59 PM

A senior US administration official told Reuters that North Korea had not responded to secret diplomatic communication attempts by the administration since mid-February, some of them with the Pyongyang mission to the United Nations. From before

As part of continuous efforts since last February

US official: Pyongyang has not responded to the secret communication attempts

  • Biden set preconditions for the meeting with Kim.


  • Kim is not convinced to give up nuclear weapons.



A senior US administration official told Reuters that North Korea had not responded to secret diplomatic communication attempts by the administration since mid-February, some of which were with the Pyongyang mission to the United Nations.

The revelation of the unsuccessful and previously unsuccessful US efforts raises questions about how US President Joe Biden has handled the growing tension with Pyongyang over its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs.

The senior Biden administration official, who requested anonymity, provided few details of the diplomatic effort, but made clear that the administration had made efforts to reach out to the North Korean government through several channels starting in mid-February.

"We have not received any response from Pyongyang yet," he added.

The Biden administration is cautious about describing the nature of its approach with North Korea, and says it is conducting a comprehensive review of the US policy towards the Asian country, in the wake of the unprecedented engagement between former President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, and Trump's attempts to persuade North Korea to give up its weapons have failed. Nuclear.

The official said that the two countries did not engage in effective dialogue for more than a year, including the end of the Trump administration, despite numerous attempts by the United States during that period.

The Biden administration is expected to complete a review of US policy toward Pyongyang within weeks.

Biden had described Kim during his election campaign as a "thug", and said that he would only meet with him on the condition that he "agree to dismantle his nuclear capabilities."

• The Biden administration made efforts to communicate with the North Korean government through several channels.

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