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The Paris region's new crown severely ill patients once again break through 1,000 people, and the pressure on the medical system continues to increase

3/9/2021, 10:01:58 PM

  (Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) The Paris region's severely ill patients with new coronary disease once again exceeded 1,000 people, and the pressure on the medical system continues to increase   China News Agency, Paris, March 9 (Reporter Li Yang) The number of severely ill patients with new coronary disease in the Paris region of France once again exceeded 1,000 on the 9th. Official

  (Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) The Paris region's severely ill patients with new coronary disease once again exceeded 1,000 people, and the pressure on the medical system continues to increase

  China News Agency, Paris, March 9 (Reporter Li Yang) The number of severely ill patients with new coronary disease in the Paris region of France once again exceeded 1,000 on the 9th. Officials stated that the pressure on the local medical system continues to increase and all necessary medical resources are being mobilized.

  According to statistics released by the Paris Region Health Bureau on the 9th, the number of severely ill patients with new coronary disease in the Paris Region that day has risen to 1,018, compared with 964 the day before.

This is the number of severely ill patients with new crowns in the Paris Region since November last year.

  The Paris Region Health Bureau has asked hospitals and clinics to cancel 40% of their surgical plans in order to free up more beds to treat patients with new coronary disease, especially those with severe illness.

The Health Bureau hopes that the number of intensive care beds will be increased to 1,577 by next week to cope with the growing number of patients.

  Salomon, the director of the French General Administration of Health, said on the 9th that the Paris region is the most closely monitored area by the French health department. The pressure on the local medical system continues to increase. All necessary medical resources are being mobilized, including beds and medical staff. Wait.

  Salomon said that at present there will be no "closure" of the Paris region.

But he also pointed out that if the medical system is saturated and faces a serious risk of not being able to treat severely ill patients, then "closing the city" will be the last resort recommended to the government to deal with the epidemic.

  Salomon expects that the next six weeks will remain a "tension period" in the fight against the epidemic.

He said that in the past six weeks, it is necessary to both fight the epidemic and accelerate the new crown vaccination. France should carry out the "maximum mobilization" in these two areas.

  French officials will continue to hold an epidemic response meeting on the 10th.

The French Ministry of Health revealed that the epidemic situation in France, especially in the Paris Region, will be discussed during the meeting.

  In addition, as the epidemic situation in Dunkirk in northern France is still severe, the Northern Province decided on the 9th to extend Dunkirk’s weekend "closure" for three weeks.

  The French Ministry of Health said that France had 23,302 new confirmed cases of new crowns in a single day on the 9th, with a total of 3,932,862 confirmed cases.

The number of deaths from new coronary pneumonia in France is 89301, with 368 new deaths.

The number of French COVID-19 hospitalized patients is now 25,201, and the number of critically ill patients is now 3918.


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