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The Lancet: The Russian Sputnik-V vaccine is 91.6% effective.

2/2/2021, 10:04:32 PM

Results, published by the medical journal "The Lancet", yesterday, and approved by independent experts, showed that the "Sputnik-V" vaccine is 91.6% effective against the emerging corona virus (Covid-19), with symptoms. Two British specialists said: Professor Ian Jones and Polly Roy, in a joint commentary reported in

The results are validated by independent experts

The Lancet: The Russian Sputnik-V vaccine is 91.6% effective.

A woman receives vaccination against the Coronavirus with the "Sputnik-V" vaccine in Ukraine.


Results, published by the medical journal "The Lancet", yesterday, and approved by independent experts, showed that the "Sputnik-V" vaccine is 91.6% effective against the emerging corona virus (Covid-19), with symptoms.

Two British specialists, Professor Ian Jones and Paulie Roy, said in a joint commentary in the "The Lancet" study, "The results received are clear, and the scientific principle on which it is based has been proven."

The two researchers, who were not involved in the study, added: "This means that an additional vaccine can now join the battle to reduce the spread of (Covid-19)."

These results, whose effectiveness has been verified, are in line with Russia's assurances that the international scientific community received last fall.

It seems that at this stage, "Sputnik-V" is classified among the most effective vaccines, along with the two vaccines, "Pfizer-Biontech" and "Moderna" (approximately 95%), which were prepared using a different technology, based on mRNA.

In the past weeks, voices began to rise in Europe, as the European Medicines Agency made a rapid evaluation of the "Sputnik-V" vaccine, which is mainly used in Russia and some other countries.

The results, which were published in The Lancet, come from the latest phase of clinical trials of the vaccine, which is the third phase in which about 20,000 people participated.

As is always the case, in such cases, these results come from the team that developed the vaccine, then ran the experiments, and then presented it to other independent scientists before publication.

And it showed that "Sputnik-V" reduces by 91.6% the risk of developing some type of "Covid-19" symptoms.

Participants in the trial, which took place between September and November, received two doses of the vaccine or a placebo, three weeks apart.

Each time, this was accompanied by an examination to detect "Covid-19".

In the days following the administration of the second dose, only people who had symptoms were tested for Corona.

Sixteen volunteers out of 14,900 people who received the two doses of the vaccine were positive (0.1%), compared to 62 of the 4,900 people who received the placebo (1.3%).

However, the authors of the study indicated that there is a watershed limit, which is that the Coronavirus screening test was only conducted when the participants said that they had symptoms of "Covid-19", and the efficacy analysis only deals with cases that show symptoms of the disease.

The "The Lancet" magazine added, in a statement, that other research should be conducted to determine the effectiveness of the vaccine in cases that do not show symptoms of the disease or about disease transmission.

On the other hand, and based on about 2000 cases of people over the age of 60 years, the study considered that the vaccine appears to be effective in this age group.

Finally, partial data appears to show that it protects very well from moderate to severe forms of the disease.

The Russian "Sputnik-V" vaccine is a "viral vector" vaccine that works on the basis of taking other viruses and making them harmless to become adapted to combat "Covid-19".

It is also the technology used by the AstraZeneca - Oxford vaccine, which is 60% effective, according to the European Medicines Agency.

But while the AstraZeneca vaccine relies on one adenovirus from chimpanzees, the Sputnik vaccine uses two different adenoviruses for injection.

In addition, the Russian news agency TASS quoted the Russian sovereign wealth fund as saying that Russia will be able to vaccinate 700 million people with the Russian "Sputnik-V" vaccine against the Corona virus this year.

Yesterday, Hungary received the first batch of the "Sputnik-V" vaccine, containing 40,000 doses, after it was the first country in the European Union to license the Russian vaccine against the Corona virus, according to Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Ciarto.

On his Facebook page, Ciarto wrote that his country would receive two million doses of the vaccine over a period of three months, adding: “The doses were transferred without delay to the National Center for Public Health to conduct the last necessary tests, before the Hungarians could get them. , According to the agreed schedule for vaccination ».

He continued: "We were the first in the European Union, but we will certainly not be the last," referring to "voices rising in Western Europe, calling for a study of the Russian and Chinese vaccines."

Hungary was the first country in the European Union to give the green light to the Chinese vaccine Sinopharm, announcing that it had submitted an order for five million doses.

- The results rank «Sputnik - V» among the most effective vaccines .. in addition to the two vaccines, «Pfizer - Biontech» and «Moderna».

The vaccine protects very well from moderate to severe forms of the disease.


One million people can be vaccinated with the vaccine this year.

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