Teller Report

Weil rates the results of the «vaccination summit» as positive

2/1/2021, 8:23:46 PM

display Berlin / Hanover (dpa) - Lower Saxony's Prime Minister Stephan Weil gave the “vaccination summit” a positive rating on Monday. «This first vaccination summit was a very meaningful gathering. We spoke very openly and clearly with each other, ”said the SPD politician after the deliberations of the federal government, states, manufacturers and EU representatives. The representatives of the p


Berlin / Hanover (dpa) - Lower Saxony's Prime Minister Stephan Weil gave the “vaccination summit” a positive rating on Monday.

«This first vaccination summit was a very meaningful gathering.

We spoke very openly and clearly with each other, ”said the SPD politician after the deliberations of the federal government, states, manufacturers and EU representatives.

The representatives of the pharmaceutical companies had credibly assured that they showed maximum commitment in the production of the vaccines.

“The logistics have also been ramped up accordingly, everything that is produced is immediately picked up from the yard and distributed.

It remains, however, that we are still unable to meet many vaccination requests, especially in the first quarter, because the deliveries are insufficient, ”added Weil.

It was also pointed out that in the current rapidly increasing, demanding vaccine production, all risks cannot be ruled out and difficulties and delivery delays can also occur.

“Realistically, we must therefore assume that there can always be problems in this start-up phase,” he emphasized.

The promised delivery quantities for the first quarter had, however, been confirmed again by the industry.

With the second quarter there is reasonable hope that the delivery quantities will increase significantly.

"Towards the end of the third quarter, I am confident that we will actually be able to offer vaccinations to everyone in Germany who are willing to vaccinate," said Weil.

On this basis, the federal and state governments will initiate ongoing joint vaccination planning.

«We know how important a successful vaccination campaign is for our society.

With vaccinations, we can render the virus harmless and protect citizens.

We want to work very closely together for this. "


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