Teller Report

Journal d'Haïti et des Amériques - The "Trumpization" of the Republican Party

12/16/2020, 2:53:56 PM

What future for the Republican Party in the United States? After the confirmation of the victory of Joe Biden in the presidential election by the electoral college, Micth McConnell, the leader of the Republicans of the Sen ...

The "Trumpization" of the Republican Party

Audio 19:30

US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell at a press conference with Senators John Barrasso John Thune at the US Capitol in Washington, USA, December 15, 2020. REUTERS - POOL

By: Mikaël Ponge

22 min

What future for the Republican Party in the United States?

After the confirmation of the victory of Joe Biden in the presidential election by the electoral college, Micth McConnell, the leader of the Republicans of the Senate congratulated the president-elect on Tuesday, December 15.

A turning point.

The party is now faced with a choice: to admit, or to lock itself in a parallel reality, as President Donald Trump does, he who has literally upset the Republican family in just four years.

We decipher this with our guest, Tamara Boussac, doctor in US history at EHESS.


• Chile

: indigenous peoples will participate in the future constituent convention

Congress reserves 17 seats for indigenous representatives in the future Constituent Convention, responsible for drafting the new Constitution.


 " comments the Chilean Senate on its Twitter account.

This question has been debated in Parliament.

Originally, MPs wanted to reserve 24 seats for representatives of indigenous peoples, but this initiative was rejected by the Senate.

A joint committee then presented a compromise which was accepted.

It's on the front page of the Americas press.

• The explosion of Covid-19 cases in Panama

It is the most affected Central American country.

The situation there is extremely worrying.

Panamanians are preparing to spend a " 

Christmas in total confinement

 " is the headline of the newspaper Crítica.

In addition to confinement during the end-of-year celebrations, a curfew is in place between 7 p.m. and 5 a.m.


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  • United States

  • Donald trump

  • Joe biden

  • Chile

  • Panama

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