Teller Report

US Presidential: The ultimate debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden to follow live tonight from 3 a.m.

10/22/2020, 8:16:04 PM

Live, this night on "20 Minutes", the final battle between the two candidates, which promises to be explosive, 12 days before the election

Joe Biden (77 years old) against Donald Trump (74 years old).




Show only highlights


  • Donald Trump and Joe Biden will cross swords on the Nashville stage tonight.

  • Late in the polls, the US president needs to reverse the trend with 12 polling days.

  • After the cacophony of the previous debate, the candidates' microphone will be cut at the start of the discussions.


  • The stakes of the "faint hope debate" between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

  • D-12: The boss of the FBI in the hot seat and Borat invites himself into the campaign

This is the faint hope debate.

After a long campaign turned upside down by the global coronavirus pandemic, Donald Trump and Joe Biden will try to convince undecided voters during their second and final televised debate.

It's set in Nashville at 9 p.m. on Thursday (tonight at 3 a.m. KST) and will last 90 minutes.

After the incessant interruptions - mainly from Donald Trump - during their first face-to-face meeting, the commission cracked down: for each new sequence, the microphone of the candidate who does not have the floor will be cut during the first two minutes.

We are waiting to see if the American president will try to shout to be heard or if he will be disciplined.

Coronavirus, racism, power transition, number of Supreme Court judges ... There is no shortage of hot topics.

And for two weeks, Donald Trump has been shooting red balls on the son of the Democrat, Hunter Biden, with this mysterious computer that would have been abandoned at a repairman, of uncertain authenticity.

The American president should logically insist on possible conflicts of financial interests of the Biden.

With 8 points ahead in the polls, Joe Biden, he will be especially careful not to make a fatal error.

  • Joe biden

  • Debate

  • United States

  • US presidential election

  • Donald trump

  • World

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