Teller Report

Olsen on the late Premier League move: "Hard to sleep with all the emotions"

10/6/2020, 4:17:44 PM

Robin Olsen swaps Serie A and Roma for the Premier League with league leaders Everton. A dream for the 30-year-old who will now try to compete with England's national team goalkeeper Jordan Pickford. - I have faith in myself and I will work hard and prove that I will play, Olsen says to SVT Sport.

The signals of a transfer began to circulate during the day but as late as after midnight (Swedish time) the season loan to Everton became clear to Robin Olsen.

A dramatic day for the Swedish national team goalkeeper.

- It was emotions.

I think everyone who has experienced a deadline day transition can say that it is true because it is nerves.

I still had good control because I had updates from my agent from the time it started to get hot, he says to SVT Sport.

"One of the goals I had"

Despite being in Italy and Serie A, Olsen sees the Premier League as slightly bigger,

- It's huge, I had a bit of a hard time sleeping with all the emotions and stress that was yesterday.

And the fact that Olsen joins an Everton in the league lead does not make matters worse.

- It is fantastic fun to come to a top team in English football.

Coming to the Premier League has been one of the goals I have had in my career and now is there.

"Have faith in myself"

Robin Olsen is recruited to compete first and foremost with English national team goalkeeper Jordan Pickford, but for the Swede the goal is clear.

- The idea was that no matter what, I will compete to play.

I have faith in myself and I will work hard and prove that I will play.

- I want to go there and compete (to become first goalkeeper) that is the goal for me.

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