Teller Report

A suspected case of bubonic plague was found in Menghai, Yunnan, and local emergency response was initiated

9/25/2020, 4:20:54 PM

  China News Service, Kunming, September 26. The Headquarters for Disposal of Plague Epidemics in Menghai County, Yunnan Province reported on the 25th that a group of villagers in Xiding Township in the county had a rat plague and found a suspected bubonic plague. After the outbreak, Menghai County has initiated Level IV emergency response to public health emergencies. Currently, no new abnormal p

  China News Service, Kunming, September 26. The Headquarters for Disposal of Plague Epidemics in Menghai County, Yunnan Province reported on the 25th that a group of villagers in Xiding Township in the county had a rat plague and found a suspected bubonic plague.

After the outbreak, Menghai County has initiated Level IV emergency response to public health emergencies.

Currently, no new abnormal personnel have been found.

Screenshot of Menghai County People's Government website

  According to reports, recently, a group of villagers in Xiding Township, Menghai County, a three-hour drive from the county seat, discovered rats that died of unexplained reasons.

It was preliminarily judged to be a rat plague on September 21 through the provincial endemic disease prevention and control center and the state disease control center.

  On September 21, 14 national and provincial expert teams arrived in Menghai County to carry out emergency response work within 12 hours of reporting the epidemic.

After the outbreak, in accordance with the requirements of the "Emergency Plan for the Control of Plague in Yunnan Province", the Menghai County Party Committee and the county government quickly initiated Level IV emergency response to public health emergencies, and established the Rodent Plague Epidemic Handling Headquarters and the health and health department immediately In place, a professional team of experts was formed to carry out inspection, diagnosis and quarantine, to conduct a comprehensive investigation of fever patients, and to take measures such as isolation observation and epidemiological investigation of suspected patients.

At the same time, a patriotic sanitation campaign focusing on flea and rodent control was launched throughout the county.

  After a comprehensive investigation, as of 18:00 on September 25, a 3-year-old patient, A Mou, was diagnosed with suspected bubonic plague and his condition was mild.

After treatment, the patient's condition is stable.

Currently, no new abnormal personnel have been discovered, and various prevention and control measures are being carried out in a scientific, orderly and effective manner.

  The Menghai County Rodent Plague Epidemic Disposal Headquarters reminded the general public that if they have had contact with rats that died of unexplained reasons, they should promptly report to the local disease control department and obtain professional guidance. Once fever symptoms appear, they should promptly seek medical treatment.


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