Teller Report

"I came to the hospital on time": Anna Netrebko was hospitalized with coronavirus pneumonia

9/17/2020, 2:08:33 PM

On September 17, it became known that the opera singer Anna Netrebko was admitted to the hospital with coronavirus pneumonia. Recently, her colleague Ildar Abdrazakov was also diagnosed with COVID-19. Together, the artists perform in the opera Don Carlos. Also, the coronavirus was detected in actors Yuri Nazarov, Evgeny Redko and Alexander Molochnikov. Oleg Gazmanov, Yanina Studilina, Lyubov Tolkalina, Antonio Banderas, Michael Rucker and other artists spoke about their recent recovery.

Opera singer Anna Netrebko was admitted to the hospital with coronavirus pneumonia.

This was announced by the artist herself on her Instagram page.

“I have been in the hospital for 5 days with covid pneumonia and will be recovering soon.

I was isolated as soon as I felt that I was getting sick, although the tests were negative.

I came to the hospital on time, and they are helping me, ”said the singer.

She stressed that earlier she had a choice - to continue to stay at home so as not to get infected, or to return to work.

“I unconditionally chose the latter and I do not regret anything,” Netrebko says.

The artist noted that she was more tired of quarantine and fear of illness than of the virus itself.

“I am glad that now it will end for me,” concluded the singer.

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I had two choices - 1 - to stay at home and be afraid to get infected, or - 2 to start working, driving around, performing at the risk of getting sick.

I unconditionally chose 2 and do not regret anything.

I have been in the hospital for 5 days with COVID-19 and will recover soon.

I was isolated as soon as I felt that I was getting sick, although the tests were negative.

I came to the hospital on time and I am getting help.

Everything will be fine!

The devil is not so terrible as he is described 👹 My husband Yusif has antibodies!

😳 somehow he survived this disease 🤷🏻‍♀️ and is absolutely safe for others Chiyago is fine!

Do not worry!

You won't take me so easily 💪💪💪 I want to say that I am much more tired of this "e..orium" associated with tests, quarantines, intimidation of unfortunate people than of the virus itself.

I'm glad it's over for me now🙏🏻

Posted by @ anna_netrebko_yusi_tiago16 Sep 2020 at 10:42 PDT

Earlier, the coronavirus was found in the singer Ildar Abdrazakov, with whom Anna Netrebko performs in the opera Don Carlos at the Bolshoi Theater.

For this reason, the theater canceled all performances with artists.

Abdrazakov mentioned that he felt unwell after the completion of the second performance of Don Carlos.

“I got a little fever, and I decided to take the coronavirus test again.

This morning I received a preliminary positive result, ”the artist wrote on Instagram.

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Dear friends!

The day before yesterday evening, after the second performance of Don Carlos at the Bolshoi Theater, I felt unwell, a slight fever rose and I decided to take the coronavirus test again.

A preliminary positive result came this morning .. 😔 We had two amazing performances on September 6 and 8.

The opening of the 245th anniversary season at the Bolshoi Theater turned out to be grandiose without exaggeration!

I was very happy to work with my dear friends Anna Netrebko, Yusif Eyvazov, Elchin Azizov, Agunda Kulaeva, Denis Makarov, Nikolai Kazansky, the excellent conductor Anton Grishaev and all other colleagues!

Bravo, friends !!!

👏👏👏 The most important thing is that a start has been made, and as we all know: beauty and art will save the world!

✌️🙏 Many thanks to the entire highly professional team of the Bolshoi Theater headed by Vladimir Urin, thanks to our dear viewers, each of you - you greeted us with deafening applause.

We were all looking forward to each other!

🙌 In spite of everything, I wish the Bolshoi Theater a successful season, let it pass as brightly and at its best as it began!

And may everyone be healthy !!!


Publication by Ildar Abdrazakov (@ildarabdrazakov) 10 Sep 2020 at 3:38 PDT

In addition to Netrebko, on September 17, actor and director Alexander Molochnikov, who presented his drama Tell Her at the Kinotavr festival in Sochi, announced that he had received a positive test for COVID-19 on September 17.

“Forgive everyone I came in contact with.

On the day of the show “Tell her” I made a test at Kinotavr, it was negative, so I allowed myself to go to our premiere, ”the artist writes on Instagram.

Molochnikov also staged the play “Bulba.

Feast "at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

Earlier, several more team members were diagnosed with coronavirus, as a result, the premiere of the play was postponed to October.

The premiere of one of its productions - the play "Son" - was transferred to the Russian Academic Youth Theater.

As the artistic director of the theater, Alexei Borodin, said, the reason for this was the illness of the leading actor Yevgeny Redko.

“Unfortunately, we have to postpone the premiere of the production by Yuri Butusov, which was awaited not only by us, but also by his many fans.

But the situation now is such that it is impossible to foresee anything.

Redko fell ill with us, and according to the initial analysis, a coronavirus was detected, so everyone who contacted him will be tested, ”RIA Novosti quotes Borodin.

In early September, the Soviet and Russian actor Yuri Nazarov was taken to intensive care with the coronavirus.

He was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia.

It is known that the artist is already better, but by now he is still in the hospital.

“I have great news: he has not been discharged yet, while the device is helping him, but everything is going to improve.

He is in excellent spirits and is going home by the end of the week.

Not to say that everything is going very quickly, but the dynamics are so stable, every day he is a little better, and this is infinitely pleasing, "- said the actor's daughter in an interview with RIA Novosti.

In August, the coronavirus was detected in Yanina Studilina, known for the projects "Ranetki", "Stalingrad" and "White Guard".

She stressed that she was not worried about this, since she goes in for sports and monitors her health.

The actress also spoke about the symptoms of the disease.

“For a couple of days I was very weak, and then the temperature rose (no higher than 37.7), my throat hurt.

On the fifth day, smells and some tastes disappeared.

For example, I couldn't eat meat at all, ”Studilina wrote on her Instagram page.

She added that after her, the coronavirus was found in her daughter and mother, while no one needed hospitalization.

“So far, everyone has passed more or less, at home, but doctors say the consequences have not been studied for the body.

The main advice that I can give you: do not panic! ”- Yanina Studilina addressed her subscribers.

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I had # COVID19 🙄 I didn't want to write about it at first, but I can't help but share it with you.

A little over two weeks ago, I was diagnosed with #coronavirus There was no panic and no fear either.

I knew that I was doing sports and my health and everything should go smoothly, but the horror stories on TV were still in my head, so I seemed to the doctors and donated blood.

A couple of days there was severe weakness, and then the temperature rose (no higher than 37.7), my throat hurt.

On the 5th day, smells and some tastes disappeared.

For example, she could not eat meat at all.

When the "discovered" analysis came, the first person I thought about was whose parents I had seen the day before.

I was not worried about myself.

I called all the friends I saw (no one got sick). I donated blood (everything was normal) and they sent me home for treatment.

Two days later, my daughter fell ill, then my mother.

So far, everyone has passed more or less at home, but doctors say the consequences have not been studied for the body.

The main advice I can give you is: don't panic!

The virus is incomprehensible and new and the doctors themselves are very worried, because they do not know how it will manifest itself in a particular human body.

I got sick with the coronavirus, I spent time in isolation, but I still don't have antibodies 🤷‍♀️ tastes and smells returned on the 10th day and now I'm fine.

Have any of you been sick?

#coronavirus # covid19

Publication by Yanina Studilina (@yanina_studilina) Aug 16, 2020 4:38 am PDT

Actress Lyubov Tolkalina also reported on Instagram that in the summer she was diagnosed with a coronavirus.

She said that COVID-19 made her depressed.

“I know from friends who have recovered from covid, and I myself can confirm that covid personally causes apathy in me in relation to plans for life, indifference to food, events, people, a feeling of heaviness in the morning, low self-esteem.

Depression during general self-isolation from completely ruined life plans and missed opportunities is not a contrived problem.

But those who have also been ill say that depression is a covid satellite.

I confirm! ”- wrote the actress.

She suggested that the coronavirus affects the entire nervous system.

In August, singer Oleg Gazmanov complained about health problems.

He and his wife had a coronavirus.

The disease was so difficult that the artist was hospitalized.

“I also had pneumonia accompanying this disease, and then: loss of smell, fever, weakness, which still manifests itself,” said the artist, noting that during the illness he lost 6.5 kg and managed to write two new songs.

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I'm back in the ranks!

On Sunday I will try to do a live home broadcast.

If you have any questions, write.

I will answer live.

Publication from Oleg Gazmanov (@oleggazmanov) Aug 19, 2020 4:15 am PDT

In the summer, singer Rita Dakota was diagnosed with coronavirus.

She also had to spend several days in the hospital.

Dakota was able to return to performances in mid-September.

At the same time, the artist said that she felt bad at the first concert after the break, in connection with which she had to inject into the ligaments.

“For two days I took quite close to my heart the fact that a patient came out to you, and after“ Matches ”I had to inject a huge syringe of adrenaline into the bundles, right on the stage.

This is the first time I've ever been, I just came to my senses for two days.

I don’t know if it’s from the recent crown, or from the fact that this is the first solo album after half a year break - one fig, I was very uncomfortable, and I hoped with all my might that it wasn’t very noticeable, ”writes artist.

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The whole house is in flowers.

At last, my heart is calm and warm ... For two days I took quite close to my heart the fact that a patient came out to you and after “Matches” I had to inject a huge syringe of adrenaline into the bundles, right on stage.

This is the first time I've ever been, I just came to my senses for two days.

I don't know if this is from the recent crown, or because this is the first solo album after six months of a break - one fig, I was very uncomfortable and I hoped with all my might that it was not very noticeable.

Did my best, whales, you know 🙏🤍.

Thank you for loving and accepting me not ideal, not resourceful, alive ..., anyone.

This is the most important thing.

This is the most expensive thing.

You are an amazing pack.

Special thanks to my @ofc_ritadakotaa (and for the whale jacket, it's a piece of art ..) and my team behind the scenes.

You are amazing, everyone is a diamond.

I am very fortunate to work with you.

I send you all the warmth, people.

Now let's take a small tour of the regions and meet in Crocus on December 4.

Video @bloodrising_melissa

Publication from RITA DAKOTA - 💿STAI KITOV 🎧 (@ritadakota) 13 Sep 2020 at 4:16 PDT

The pandemic continues to affect foreign artists as well.

So, at the beginning of September in the UK, the filming of Matt Reeves' film "Batman" was suspended, since COVID-19 was detected in the lead actor Robert Pattinson.

Also, the coronavirus was found in the "Guardians of the Galaxy" star Michael Rooker.

At the same time, he decided not to take medications and wait until his immune system itself cope with the infection.

Spanish actor Antonia Banderas was forced to celebrate his 60th birthday in quarantine due to the coronavirus.

He said that he felt relatively well, but got tired faster than usual.

At the end of August, the artist announced his recovery.

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