Teller Report

Consultations in Mali: adoption of a charter for an 18-month transition

9/12/2020, 6:19:54 PM

After three days of discussion, the transition charter was presented this Saturday evening in Bamako.Consultations in Mali: adoption of a charter for an 18-month transition Representatives of the CNSP, the junta in power in Mali, during a meeting with a delegation from ECOWAS, August 22 (illustrative image) ANNIE RISEMBERG / AFP Text by: RFI Follow 1 min After three days of discussion, the transition charter was presented this Saturday evening in Bamako. Publicity Read more The text adopted

Consultations in Mali: adoption of a charter for an 18-month transition

Representatives of the CNSP, the junta in power in Mali, during a meeting with a delegation from ECOWAS, August 22 (illustrative image) ANNIE RISEMBERG / AFP

Text by: RFI Follow

1 min

After three days of discussion, the transition charter was presented this Saturday evening in Bamako.


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The text adopted this Saturday in Bamako sets the duration of the transition at 18 months and instructs a committee formed by the junta to appoint a civilian or military president to lead this transition.

It also provides for three transitional bodies: the president and his vice-president;

the National Transitional Council, comprising 121 people divided between the M5 (opposition coalition), political parties, journalists, civil society, religious, the diaspora, young people and women;

and finally a Prime Minister at the head of a government of 25 members.

The rapporteur of the meeting appointed by the junta ensures that the document is adopted

de facto

by acclamation. 

More information to come


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