Teller Report

Saudi Arabia records 42 deaths and 1175 new cases of Corona virus

8/24/2020, 10:11:05 PM

Yesterday, the Saudi Ministry of Health announced the registration of 42 new deaths from the new Corona virus, bringing the total deaths in the Kingdom due to infection with the virus to 3,691 cases.

Saudi Arabia records 42 deaths and 1175 new cases of Corona virus

The total number of injuries in Saudi Arabia increased to 308,654 cases. Archives

Yesterday, the Saudi Ministry of Health announced the registration of 42 new deaths from the emerging corona virus, bringing the total deaths in the Kingdom due to infection with the virus to 3,691 cases.

The Ministry indicated, in a press statement yesterday, that 1,175 new cases of the virus were recorded, bringing the total number of infections in the Kingdom to 308,654 cases.

The Ministry pointed out that 2,745 new recoveries were recorded, bringing the total of those recovering to 282,888 people.

For its part, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Health announced yesterday that three new deaths have been recorded from the emerging corona virus, bringing the total death toll from “Covid-19” disease caused by infection with the virus to 518.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Dr. Abdullah Al-Sanad, said that 432 new cases of the virus were recorded, bringing the total number of infections in the country to 80,960 cases.

For its part, the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population announced the registration of 103 new cases of Coronavirus and 19 new deaths.

In a statement on its official Facebook page, the ministry’s spokesman, Khaled Mujahid, stated that 809 people recovering from the Coronavirus have been discharged from hospitals.

And in Ramallah, the Palestinian Minister of Health, Mai Al-Keela, announced yesterday that 553 new cases of the emerging coronavirus and four deaths were recorded during the past 24 hours. She said that the city of Nablus witnessed one death, while there were two cases in Jerusalem, and the fourth death in the town of Bani Na'im in the Hebron governorate.

• 432 new cases of the "virus" in Kuwait.

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