Teller Report

The U.S. announced the restoration of 10% tariffs on some Canadian aluminum products

8/7/2020, 12:04:42 AM

  China News Agency, Washington, August 6 (Reporter Chen Mengtong) US President Trump signed an announcement on the 6th, announcing the resumption of 10% tariffs on some aluminum products imported from Canada.   "As usual, Canada is taking advantage of us." Trump said during an inspection of a home appliance factory in Ohio that day that Canada severely hit the American aluminum industry and harm...

  China News Agency, Washington, August 6 (Reporter Chen Mengtong) US President Trump signed an announcement on the 6th, announcing the resumption of 10% tariffs on some aluminum products imported from Canada.

  "As usual, Canada is taking advantage of us." Trump said during an inspection of a home appliance factory in Ohio that day that Canada severely hit the American aluminum industry and harmed American employment opportunities, which is very unfair to American workers.

Data map: US President Trump. Photo by China News Agency reporter Chen Mengtong

  The "U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement" (U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement) came into effect on July 1 this year, replacing the 26-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement. In May 2019, the Trump administration agreed to cancel tariffs on aluminum products against Canada, paving the way for the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

  Trump said, "A few months ago, my government agreed to remove these tariffs in exchange for the Canadian government's promise that its aluminum industry will not export large amounts to the United States. And they are doing this and stifling employment opportunities in the American aluminum industry."

  The U.S. announcement stated that Canada is the largest source of unalloyed unforged aluminum imported by the U.S., accounting for nearly two-thirds of the U.S. total imports of this product in 2019. In the first five months of 2020, Canada accounted for approximately 75% of the total US imports of this product.

  Although the US government believes that the surge in imports of Canadian aluminum products threatens US aluminum production and capacity utilization, some US business groups do not support this decision by the White House.

  Myron Brillant, head of international affairs at the American Chamber of Commerce, said that tariffs will increase the cost of American manufacturers, and most American aluminum product manufacturers are opposed to it, and this will lead Canada to retaliate against American exporters. "We urge the government to reconsider this move."

  American media said that on July 8, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau was originally invited to visit the United States with Mexican President Lopez, and the three parties jointly celebrated the entry into force of the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement. However, due to the possibility that the US government may impose tariffs on Canadian aluminum products, coupled with concerns about the epidemic, Trudeau declined the invitation to the tripartite meeting. (Finish)

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