Teller Report

Major League Rays Tsutsuka Reversal timely hit

7/29/2020, 3:13:31 AM

[NHK] Yoshitomo Tsutsuka of the major league and Rays started on the 28th in the Braves match on the 4th/left, and had two hits, including a timely hit of reversal...

Major League Rays Tsutsuka Reversal timely hit July 29th 12:11

On the 28th, Yoshitomo Tsutsuka of the major league, Rays, played in the Braves game starting with 4th and left, hitting two hits, including a timely hit of reversal, marking the first multiple hits.

Tsutsuka started the game at the 4th left with the Braves match in St. Petersburg, Florida.

The first at-bat fell to a short fly, but the second at-bat three times in pursuit of one point entered the at-bat with a chance of a two-base full base, and hit a reversing two-point timely hit in front of the light.

Tsutsuka took the 4th home on his own in a subsequent hit.

After that, the third at-bat struck out in the air, followed by a hit in front of the light at the fourth at-bat, marking the first multiple hits in the fifth game.

Tsutsuka was a 2-2 RBI with 4 hits and a 2-5 Raze in the match.

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