Teller Report

“Almost a complete analogue of paper”: Mishustin signed a decree on electronic work books

7/18/2020, 4:08:52 PM

From January 1, 2021, Russians will be able to get jobs with electronic work books. The corresponding decree was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. The Russians will be able to familiarize themselves with their electronic workbook in their personal account on the Pension Fund website, on the public services portal and in the applications of these resources on a smartphone. The system of electronic versions of this document itself has been operating in Russia since the beginning of 2020. Citizens must decide on the paper or digital version of the work book by October 31, 2020.

Russian citizens will be able to get a job with an electronic work book from January 1, 2021. The corresponding decree was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

“The electronic form of the work book is almost a complete analogue of the paper one. It contains information about the employee, place of work, date of admission and dismissal, reason for termination of the employment contract, ”the message says on the government’s website.

It is noted that the resolution signed by Mikhail Mishustin introduces amendments to 55 normative acts on the rules for maintaining work books. The law on the introduction of electronic work books in Russia entered into force on January 1, 2020, now it is a question of amending the general rules for maintaining such documents.

  • © Dmitry Astakhov / RIA News

An electronic workbook can be viewed in your personal account on the Pension Fund website, on the public services portal, and also through the application of these resources for smartphones. Along with this, information from the electronic book can be obtained in the form of a paper extract from the last employer, the Pension Fund or the MFC.

Recall that the law on the gradual transition to electronic work books entered into force in early 2020. Until October 31 of this year, employers must inform staff about the opportunity to choose a workbook format. The employees themselves must make their choice by December 31.

In the electronic version, only information starting in 2020 will be recorded, and the paper work book must be saved. When choosing an electronic form, a paper work book is handed over and the employer ceases to be responsible for its maintenance.

In addition, in the case of choosing a paper document, the employer will continue to enter information along with the electronic form. At the same time, the right to preserve paper labor remains when a job is changed. You can reconsider your decision on the format of the workbook at any time after 2021.

By default, without an employee filing an application, they will retain paper labor. In turn, for anyone who first gets a job after January 1, 2021, work books will only be electronic.

Earlier in Rostrud, they said that workers who decided to switch to an electronic work book could not return to the paper version of the document.

In addition, the media previously reported on the digitization by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation of all labor books of Russians back in May 2019.

Commenting on the signing of the resolution, the first deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, Valery Ryazansky, pointed out that we are talking about the implementation of labor legislation.

“After the government decree, there will most likely be relevant regulatory documents of organizations such as the Ministry of Labor and Rostrud, most likely,” the senator said in an interview with RT. “During this half-year, all employers are obliged to put in order all the labor documentation and familiarize their employees with a signature, receive answers from them to the question of how they want to keep their labor documentation, which means the work book.”

Member of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Svetlana Bessarab emphasized the reliability of information protection in the new system of work books. According to her, information from the document is now impossible to lose.

“If earlier a citizen who lost such information and did not have confirmation that he paid insurance premiums for the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for him, lost the right to receive a pension for the corresponding period, now all the information goes directly to the Pension Fund, they simply cannot be lost ", Said the deputy.

Earlier, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation said that since the beginning of 2020, data on the labor activity of workers are generated in electronic form. According to the agency, 1.4 million people have already chosen an electronic workbook.

“Organizations provided information only if during the reporting period there were hiring, transferring an employee to another position or dismissal, or if the employee submitted an application for choosing the form of work book,” the PFR reports to RIA Novosti.

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