Teller Report

The floods in Assam, India, have caused 71 deaths and affected more than 4 million people

7/16/2020, 7:53:58 PM

  China News Agency, Kathmandu, July 16 (New Delhi): On the 16th, five people were killed in the floods in Assam, northeast India. So far, 71 people have been killed in the flood and more than 4 million people have been affected.   The local media quoted the Assam State Disaster Management Agency as saying that the five people were from four districts in the state and all drowned and died on the ...

  China News Agency, Kathmandu, July 16 (New Delhi): On the 16th, five people were killed in the floods in Assam, northeast India. So far, 71 people have been killed in the flood and more than 4 million people have been affected.

  The local media quoted the Assam State Disaster Management Agency as saying that the five people were from four districts in the state and all drowned and died on the day.

  Assam State has experienced continuous rainfall since the end of June this year. Tubri is the most severely affected area in the state, with approximately 870,000 people affected by the floods, followed by Berberda, Govalbara and other regions. More than 3,200 villages in Assam are now flooded, and 130,000 hectares of crops have been severely affected. 2.1 million head of livestock were also affected by the flood.

  In 24 disaster areas, a total of 50,000 people were transferred to a safe zone. On July 16, the chief minister of Assam said when inspecting the flood site, the government would provide sufficient assistance to the affected families. At the same time, in order to prevent the spread of the new crown virus, people who take refuge in some public places should also maintain social distance and wear masks.

  At present, the water level of the Brahmaputra River and its tributaries, the main river in Assam, is declining in the highlands, but the water levels in some lowland areas are rising. Therefore, the disaster situation in different parts of the state is quite different.

  Every year from June to September is the rainy season in South Asia. Floods, lightning strikes, mudslides and other disasters often occur. In Mumbai, heavy rains caused two houses to collapse on July 16, killing four people and injuring about 17 others.

  Local media reported that the two houses are located in the northwest and south of Mumbai. The building in southern Mumbai has been classified as a "dangerous building" earlier. (Finish)

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