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Marc Gasol's argument against racism: "I have seen it with my own eyes and it is time to say enough is enough"

7/15/2020, 6:11:52 PM

In the summer of 2018, Marc Gasol spent part of his vacation being one of the volunteers of Astral, the rescue ship of the NGO Open Arms. From the experience that gives you hab

In the summer of 2018, Marc Gasol spent part of his vacation being one of the volunteers of Astral , the rescue ship of the NGO Open Arms . From the experience of having been, even if only for a short time, in the front line of the Mediterranean helping the castaways, the Spanish center analyzed the problem of racism before the American media, "a global problem, not only the United States."

His team is already inside the famous bubble that the NBA has assembled at Disney World, in Orlando (Florida), where in 15 days the competition of the best basketball league in the world will resume. From there and in his first appearance before journalists, the Spanish did not shy away from questions about the Black Lives Matter and racism .

"I don't think that the people of Europe should look only at the United States. I think we can see how many of the immigrants who go from Africa to Europe are treated . Sadly, in Spain, Italy and other countries in Europe we see them as immigrants not as human beings. That definition that is made says a lot. All those things need to change and that change will come. And if it does not come by governments it will come by the people. I hope we can have a positive impact, of respect and promote that change "he explained.

Gasol, who will defend the champion ring won last season with the Raptors , recalled that there is " systematic racism " in the United States . "Racism is a global problem. It has exploded here in the United States because of the unfortunate event that has happened, but it is a global problem. When you look at society, every community, you can see that there is systematic racism, and I think it is ours responsibility and our duty to fight it. There should be no one set aside for it. I have lived it at different levels in Europe. I have seen it with my own eyes, and it is time to say enough . We have to ask for a change to educate the next generations in how to treat other human beings. For me it is very simple, it is to be more responsible as human beings. "

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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