Teller Report

"You shouldn't have been to Trump's church event," regretting the top rank in the US military.

6/11/2020, 11:44:04 PM

Earlier this month, after the press conference that President Trump could put federal troops into the protests, he went to church to take a commemorative photo. At that time, the US military chief of the military, Millie Chief of Staff, said he should not have been there.


Earlier this month, after the press conference that President Trump could put federal troops in to fight the protests, he reported that he went to church and took a commemorative photo. At that time, the US military leader, Chief of Staff, Milli, said that he shouldn't have been there. Following the Secretary of Defense Esper, the military chief is expected to continue to face the president.

Washington's Correspondent Seok-Min Son reports.


Chairman Millie, who attended President Trump's church certification shot, issued a public reflection statement.

In the light of the principle of military neutrality, I regretted that I shouldn't have followed.

[Millich/US Chief of Staff: I shouldn't have been there. What accompanied me in such an environment sparked the perception that the military would intervene in domestic politics.] On

the 1st, President Trump headed to the President's Church after a press conference saying he could inject federal troops to fight Floyd's protests. The controversy over the military was used by politics as Secretary of Defense Esper and Chairman Millie joined the presidency.

Aware of this, Minister Esper rebelled two days later on the White House's review of the Riot Act.

[Esper/US Secretary of Defense (past 3 days): This is only possible in very urgent and critical situations. We are not there yet. I disagree with the Riot Act.] In

response to a series of opposition from the military's chief executive, President Trump said that he was very easy to deal with the protests around the White House and was a great state defense force.

The New York Times pointed out that this confrontation is evidence of the most severe civilian division in the United States since the Vietnam War.

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