Teller Report

The story of foreigners' Chinese anti-epidemic

5/22/2020, 1:22:04 PM

  Under the epidemic, foreigners living in China witnessed China's anti-epidemic process. They come from all over the world. Some people received help from the Chinese during isolation, while others were grateful for the help of Chinese volunteers, and later "worked together against the epidemic" with the Chinese ... Their stories let the world see China ’s huge efforts to fight the epidemic , Als...

  Under the epidemic, foreigners living in China witnessed China's anti-epidemic process. They come from all over the world. Some people received help from the Chinese during isolation, while others were grateful for the help of Chinese volunteers, and later "worked together against the epidemic" with the Chinese ... Their stories let the world see China ’s huge efforts to fight the epidemic , Also boosted the confidence in global anti-epidemic. (Editor Le Xiaomin)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]

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