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The number of new cases of new coronavirus in a single day for less than 10,000 cases in Russia for the first time in more than ten days

5/14/2020, 11:40:22 PM

  (Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) The number of new cases of new coronavirus in a single day for less than 10,000 cases in Russia for the first time in more than ten days   China News Agency, Moscow, May 14 (Reporter Wang Xiujun) Russia's new crown virus epidemic prevention and control headquarters issued a message on the 14th that Russia has added 9,974 confirmed cases of the new crown...

  (Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) The number of new cases of new coronavirus in a single day for less than 10,000 cases in Russia for the first time in more than ten days

  China News Agency, Moscow, May 14 (Reporter Wang Xiujun) Russia's new crown virus epidemic prevention and control headquarters issued a message on the 14th that Russia has added 9,974 confirmed cases of the new crown in the past 24 hours, and a total of 252,245 cases have been diagnosed. This is the first time since May 2 that the number of new cases in Russia on a single day has fallen below 10,000.

  Popova, director of the Consumer Protection and Public Welfare Supervision Bureau of the Russian Federation, said on the 14th that I am very cautious in evaluating that the number of new cases of viral infections in Russia has not increased significantly for more than ten consecutive days, "The growth of infections has been successfully curbed ".

  According to data from the epidemic prevention and control headquarters, the spread coefficient of the new Russian crown virus (referring to the number of people infected by an infected person before being quarantined) was lower than 1 for the first time on the 14th. The transmission coefficient of Moscow's new coronavirus in the heavily affected area in Russia was 0.88, which was below 1 for 4 consecutive days.

  Mark Shutov, president of the Russian "Vector" Virology and Biotechnology Research Center, said on the same day that he will complete the preclinical research on the new coronavirus vaccine prototype in June and is expected to complete the vaccine registration in September this year.

  As of the 14th, the cumulative number of new coronavirus infections in Moscow reached 130,700. On the same day, Moscow Mayor Sobyanin revealed that Moscow has installed automatic blood testing equipment and will test whether people carry the new coronavirus antibody for free from the 15th. By the end of May, the instrument was able to test 200,000 times a day. He said that detecting whether people are carrying antibodies will help predict the spread of the new coronavirus. (Finish)

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