Teller Report

Mohammed bin Rashid Initiatives assists 17 million people in 2019

5/14/2020, 10:31:40 PM

His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Foundation, confirmed that the Foundation, under the guidance of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai She works

His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Foundation, confirmed that the Foundation, under the guidance of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai It always works to expand the map of humanitarian, relief and development work, so that the largest number of people benefit from its projects and programs.

Hamdan bin Mohammed:

Our human aspiration will not stop us from reaching the farthest point in the world, to be a reason for changing people's lives for the better. ”

- “Mohammed bin Rashid Initiatives is working to expand the humanitarian, relief and development work map, so that the largest number of people benefit from its projects.”

- “When we are the reason for changing a person’s life for the better; We create a more cohesive society and guarantee a more immune future for the homelands. ”

His Highness said that the initiatives are based on a vision that seeks to elevate the reality of the human being, and contribute to consolidating the culture of hope and transforming challenges into opportunities, and investment in the human element, as the human being is the most precious asset in societies, pointing out that the UAE's human mission, as established by the Emirati leadership since the establishment of the country, starts from extending Helping every needy person anywhere without regard to color, gender, religion or belief.

This came on the occasion of the Foundation's announcement of the success of its programs and projects within the axis of humanitarian and relief assistance in reaching 17 million people during the year 2019, while the volume of spending on initiatives in this field reached 262 million dirhams.

His Highness the Crown Prince of Dubai said: “When we are a reason to change the life of any person for the better, we create a more coherent society, and guarantee a more immune future for the homelands.” His Highness pointed out that “the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Initiatives International has succeeded in transforming humanitarian work into a system Integrated bid, which combines efficiency, effectiveness and speed of application on the ground, which strengthened the UAE's reputation on the global bid map.

His Highness added: “Our mission towards making change is continuous, the path of giving before us is long, and our human aspiration will not stop us from reaching the farthest point in the world to be a reason to change people's lives for the better.”

The activity of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Initiatives International, the largest regional organization in the field of humanitarian, relief, developmental and community work, covers five main areas of action: humanitarian and relief assistance, health care and disease control, disseminating education and knowledge, creating future and leadership, and empowering societies, and that Through more than 30 initiatives and institutions implementing hundreds of programs, projects, campaigns and initiatives around the world.

The Foundation works within the humanitarian and relief assistance axis to improve people's lives and alleviate their suffering in order to build stable societies capable of overcoming economic and societal challenges and meeting the requirements of development and prosperity.

Under this axis are six institutions operating under the umbrella of the parent institution in coordination with each other: the International City for Humanitarian Services, the Emirates Food Bank, the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Charity and Humanitarian Action, the Emirates Suqia Foundation, and the Mohammed Bin Rashid International Center for Endowment and Gift Consulting.

The year 2019 witnessed a great activity for the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for International Initiatives within the humanitarian and relief aid axis, as the total expenditure of initiatives, programs and projects within the humanitarian and relief aid reached approximately 262 million dirhams, benefiting more than 17 million people around the world.

A large number of initiatives, projects, programs and campaigns that work in coordination with each other include under the axis of humanitarian and relief aid to provide humanitarian aid and emergency relief materials for the regions affected by crises and disasters, in addition to providing basic life services to the disadvantaged groups in societies facing development obstacles and lack of resources. And potential.

The Foundation also implements several sustainable development projects in partnership with a number of regional and international organizations and bodies, focusing on areas that combine overpopulation and scarcity of resources, in addition to paying special attention to the most vulnerable groups in the societies concerned, especially children and women.

The Foundation has been active in all corners of the globe, as Caravans of the International City for Humanitarian Services were launched continuously to relief the affected and affected by natural disasters or crises and wars, and to spread a message of peace and love among peoples.

The Foundation focused its endeavors in providing material and material assistance to many developing regions around the world, in addition to intensifying its efforts in investment to support education, knowledge and building schools, in addition to implementing many development initiatives to advance the reality of poor societies and support young people, and open future prospects for them to work and achieve.

As the largest gathering of its kind for humanitarian and relief services, and comprising 76 members from international and international organizations and bodies, institutions and companies concerned with humanitarian work, the International Humanitarian City continued to provide humanitarian support to regions and societies affected by disasters, facilitate efficient rapid response to crises worldwide, and support relief operations in cases Emergencies through its members who benefit from its strategic location in the city of Dubai, which constitutes a link between Europe and Asia, and the highly efficient transportation and logistical services it provides.

The city's members of humanitarian and relief organizations provided aid and relief materials in 2019 about 246 million dirhams, which included 1070 shipments that benefited and affected countries in the continents of Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, and the city supported the distribution of more than 13 shipments, carrying more than a thousand tons of aid and materials The relief amounted to 18 million dirhams, while the cost of its transportation was 14.5 million dirhams.

On the UAE level, the Foundation has implemented a number of various charitable projects. Among them is providing support to needy families, by paying bad debts, paying home rents and late electricity bills, covering school installments, as well as supporting orphans and meeting their needs, providing treatment to those who need cancer and kidney patients, and performing urgent surgeries for elderly heart patients. The number of beneficiaries of this material and medical assistance reached 45,727 people.

Charitable projects have also been implemented within the Emirates with the aim of achieving social solidarity, including the Zakat Distribution Initiative to support individuals and families in need, as the total amounts distributed from the Zakat funds reached 42 million dirhams, 32 thousand people benefited from it, in addition to the initiative to distribute 12 thousand and 500 breakfast meals to the fasting people In mosques and public places, and the Eid al-Adha gift initiative.


One million beneficiaries of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation projects in 2019.


Main business axes covered by the activity of the Mohammed bin Rashid International Initiatives Foundation.

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