Teller Report

Why Mourinho cried with Real Madrid in 2012

5/2/2020, 10:29:49 AM

Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho revealed that he cried when he removed the Bayern Munich soccer team, in 2012, Real Madrid, who was coaching at the time, from the Champions League. Mourinho said in an interview with the Spanish newspaper "Marca" published today, Saturday: "This night is The only one

Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho revealed that he cried when he removed the Bayern Munich soccer team, in 2012, Real Madrid, who was coaching then, from the Champions League.

"This night is the only one that I cried after a football match," Mourinho said in an interview with the Spanish newspaper "Marca" published today, Saturday.

He added: "I remember it very well. Itour Karanca (Mourinho's assistant) and I stopped the car in front of my house and cried."

He stressed: "It was difficult to accept defeat, especially since in this 2011-2012 season we were the best team in Europe."

This weekend marks the 8th anniversary of Mourinho's end to Barcelona's soccer victory over Spain, led by Josep Guardiola, by winning the league title after scoring 100 points, a record.

But Mourinho also had a chance to win what would have been the tenth title for Real Madrid in the Champions League, but he lost a penalty shootout against Bayern Munich in the semi-finals, where Cristiano Ronaldo, Kaka and Sergio Ramos wasted their penalty shootout.

"This is also football. Cristiano, Kaka, Sergio Ramos, they are monsters in football, there is no doubt about this, but they are also human," Mourinho said.

And about thinking about winning the Spanish league, Mourinho said: "This was my third title, if we put Portugal away, I wanted to win the league titles in England, Italy and Spain, and I'm still the only coach who did this."

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