Teller Report

7 billion neighbors - 7 billion neighbors, school on the radio - the world of bees with Gérard Senfaute

5/1/2020, 10:21:28 AM

The daily program of society is transformed to meet the expectations of listeners, faced with the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. We are more than 4 billion people forced to ...

7 billion neighbors, school on the radio - the world of bees with Gérard Senfaute

a bee foraging a pixabay dandelion flower

By: Emmanuelle Bastide

The daily program of society is transformed to meet the expectations of listeners, faced with the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. We are more than 4 billion people forced to stay at home and some 1.47 billion children now out of school (including about 600 million students on the African continent).


Broadcast produced live every day, with a team in confinement and in the studio: Cécile Lavolot, Delphine de Dianous, Romain Dubrac, Nicolas Benita, Emmanuelle Bastide.

First part : the world of bees with Gérard Senfaute, over 40 years in primary education. He was also a beekeeper in another life !

Second part : a story told by Éloïse Auria, actress.
Today, you will be able to hear  “Kumba la Carpe” David LOUIS (Collection Contes des 4 vents published by Harmattan)

Third part : review by Joelle Allarcon, psycho-educator
Hygiene of life and quality of learning.

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