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Last minute of the coronavirus in Spain | Covid-19 news, live

4/8/2020, 3:12:53 PM

In Spain, the coronavirus curve grows again with 757 more deaths in the last 24 hours. There are 6,000 new infected in one day and the Government is already beginning to consider c

In Spain, the coronavirus curve grows again with 757 more deaths in the last 24 hours. There are 6,000 new infected in a day and the Government is already beginning to consider when the confinement measures imposed by the decree of the state of alarm can be relaxed and will be extended until April 26. However, the World Health Organization (WHO), which has described the Spanish response against the coronavirus as "heroic", has warned that despite the positive signs from some regions, "this is not the time to relax the measures" , but "we must double our efforts".

Coronavirus data in Spain

    Source: Ministry of Health

    Total figures: 146,690 diagnosed coronavirus cases, 14,555 deaths

  • 42,450 in Madrid (5,586 dead)
  • 29,647 in Catalonia (3,041 dead)
  • 11,788 in Castilla-La Mancha (1,255 dead)
  • 10,058 in Castilla y León (1,028 dead)
  • 9,452 in the Basque Country (635 dead)
  • 8,997 in Andalusia (605 dead)
  • 7,655 in the Valencian Community (724 dead)
  • 6,538 in Galicia (213 dead)
  • 3,549 in Aragon (349 dead)
  • 3,467 in Navarra (206 dead)
  • 2,951 in La Rioja (177 dead)
  • 2,184 in Extremadura (271 dead)
  • 1,762 in the Canary Islands (91 dead)
  • 1,705 in Asturias (102 dead)
  • 1,572 in Cantabria (92 dead)
  • 1,369 in the Balearic Islands (84 dead)
  • 1,326 in Murcia (85 dead)
  • 93 in Melilla (2 dead)
  • 84 in Ceuta (4 dead)
  • 48,021 people have been cured

16:42 Coronavirus: Madrid reaches an agreement with Burgos and Ponferrada to be able to incinerate bodies there

The Municipal Funeral Home of Madrid has reached an agreement with funeral homes in Burgos and Ponferrada to be able to carry out cremations outside the city of Madrid.

This was reported this Wednesday by the delegate of the Security and Emergency Area of ​​the Madrid City Council and municipal spokesperson during the press conference after the Governing Board, where she remarked that, for now, it is only an agreement, but has not yet been No corpse brought to Castilla y León.

For this, Sanz explained, "we always require the families' permission", since they are being offered the possibility of doing so in cases where they have to wait more days for cremations. "Obviously" we will be doing what families can say ", but" that possibility already exists with these agreements, "reports Servimedia.

16:34 Coronavirus: the Government will recommend the masks to the population if so recommended by international organizations

The Government will decide whether or not to recommend the use of face masks to the healthy population if this is recommended by international organizations such as the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). .

This was stated by the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, in the Health Commission of the Congress of Deputies, reports Europa Press.

16:30 Coronavirus: The cultural industry calls for concrete measures such as in France and Germany

Disappointment at the lack of announcements from Minister Uribes. The sector demands steps forward in public contracting, in labor matters and in tax conditions. Read the complete information of Luis Alemany .

16:23 Health will intervene in the face of the abusive prices of masks and gels due to the coronavirus

The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, has announced that the Government is going to act and intervene in the face of the abusive prices that are being registered in masks, gels and gloves, because, according to what he has argued, they are currently bought at a different price than what they were bought before.

Illa has spoken like this in her last intervention in the Health Commission of the Congress of Deputies, in which she has reviewed all the measures that the Government is taking in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The head of Health is aware that "there are abusive practices" in the price of some products after the state of alarm and, therefore, the Executive decided to intervene in funeral services, in collaboration with the Ministry of Consumer Affairs.

"The businessmen have to collect the prices that were in force before the state of alarm entered," said the minister, and that is why now they will act before the abusive prices of other products, such as masks, gels and gloves.

And he is going to do it - he stressed - because "we are not going to consent to any speculative practice", although it will be necessary to act "with rigor and caution" because, as he has commented, "the market is as it is," reports Efe.

16:14 Feijóo complains that rapid health tests do not give a "reliable" diagnosis of the coronavirus and will "complement" each other

The president of the Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has complained this Wednesday that the 58,000 rapid tests sent by the Ministry of Health "are not valid to make a reliable diagnosis" and, consequently, cannot be used as the only test, reason why in Galicia they will be "complemented" with PCR, another slower method to detect COVID-19 and which requires specific personnel.

"We thought that they were definitive and that only by using them we would have a 100% reliable diagnosis, but this is not the case. They provide an approximation to the diagnosis, but they have to be completed with PCR," said Feijóo, at the press conference after the weekly meeting of its Executive, reports Europa Press.

16:03 The Community of Madrid begins to do the rapid tests in the residences

The Community of Madrid has begun to make rapid detection tests for COVID-9 in Madrid residences, in total almost 500, following the protocol of the Ministry of Health, sources from the Ministry of Health have explained to Efe.

The tests, sent to the Community by the Ministry of Salvador Illa, will be carried out firstly to health professionals and residences, and then to other population cohorts.

The vice-president of the regional government, Ignacio Aguado, has pointed out in the press conference after the Governing Council that the tests are still insufficient and has once again insisted that millions of them are missing to be able to carry out massive tests on the entire population.

15:52 All the Police reinforce the controls to avoid trips this Easter for the coronavirus

There are only seven authorized trips. The last weekend the Civil Guard put almost 3,200 sanctions. Read the full information on Félix Cerezo .

15:48 Greece quarantines two coronavirus refugee camps

The Government of Greece has confirmed that two migrant and refugee camps in the continental area will be under quarantine after the detection of coronavirus cases, while NGOs continue to warn of the "catastrophe" that the arrival of the pandemic would entail in the camps. the islands in the Aegean.

The authorities have already detected at least 28 cases in two official camps located north of Athens and in which some 4,800 people live. "We are taking all necessary measures to prevent the spread of the virus," Migration Minister Notis Mitarakis has told Parliament before the DPA agency.

15:23 Catalan residences are under the control of the Health department of the Generalitat

The Minister of Social Affairs of the Generalitat, Chakir el Homrani, has announced that the Department of Health will begin to manage the nursing homes in coordination with its department to face the coronavirus pandemic. According to El Homrani, "health criteria must prevail in caring for the elderly," reports Gerard Melgar.

14.41. The Generalitarian asks to extend the "total confinement" for the coronavirus

The Minister of the Presidency and spokesperson for the Government, Meritxell Budó , today asked the Government "to extend the total confinement", since, as she explained, the health experts consulted by the Catalan Executive recommend this measure.

"A poorly planned lack of confinement today may be the prelude to a second confinement. And that would be a disaster," the Catalan government spokeswoman has warned.

14.12. SUMMA denounces the Community

The SUMMA majority union accuses the regional government of forcing the "most sensitive to the coronavirus", chronically ill people, and denounces a case in IFEMA: "Sometimes there is a doctor for 100 patients and a nursing professional for another 50" . Read the complete information by clicking on this link .

13.46. The TSJC orders protection to the Mossos by the coronavirus

The TSJC orders the Department of the Interior to comply within 48 hours with the mossos protection measures agreed upon after estimating the appeal of the Uspac union, as well as to report on the Covid-19 test to agents who return after isolation. The union asks for more evidence at home so as not to break the confinement.

13.40. Medical supplies for prosecutors for the coronavirus

The head of the Social Court number 13 of Madrid has rejected the resources of the prosecutor and the State lawyer against the estimate of the precautionary measure requested by the Professional and Independent Association of Prosecutors (APIF), chaired by the prosecutor Juan Antonio Frago, that forced the Ministry of Justice and the Prosecutor General's Office to provide within 24 hours to the prosecutors and officials of the fiscal offices with masks, gloves, disinfectant gel, and glasses in front of Covid-19. Judge María Sánchez Rivero recalls that she ordered both organizations to provide the medical equipment to the members of the Fiscal Career "if possible," reports Angela Martialay .

13.29. 4,750 old people killed in Madrid residences

Between March 8 and April 8, 4,750 elderly people died in the around 500 nursing homes in the Community of Madrid, of which 3,479 had symptoms compatible with Covid-19 and another 781 had tested positive for the coronavirus. Only 490 deceased people did not present assimilable pathologies with this disease.

The data has been given by the regional vice president, Ignacio Aguado , at a video conference press conference that is taking place right now.

13.24. The Govern admits a "very hard" situation in the residences due to the coronavirus

The Minister of Social Affairs of the Generalitat, Chakir el Homrani, acknowledged this morning that the situation in the Catalan nursing homes due to the coronavirus crisis is "very complex, very complicated and very hard". "We have been late with the PPE [personal protection equipment] due to the context itself, because some decisions have made the processes lengthen," Ràdio said in an interview in Catalunya.

The Generalitat reported today that, since March 15, a total of 1,123 people have died from Covid-19 in residences, more than a third of the deaths in the community due to the pandemic: 3,041.

For her part, the Mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau, has asked the Govern to give the order "today" to transfer residents with symptoms of coronavirus to the spaces prepared in the city "so that massive transfers can be made."

13.13. Ashes at home in Badalona due to the coronavirus

Funeral Services Pompas Fúnebres de Badalona begins a free delivery system to the home of each family of the ashes of their deceased in the exceptional situation of confinement by the coronavirus , since ceremonies and funerals cannot be held. The entity, which provides service in half a dozen funeral parlors in Barcelona and its surroundings, points out that this service reduces the waiting time since families could not go looking for the ashes of the deceased until they were over forty.

13.05. Coronavirus: the system enabled by Justice to communicate burials collapses

The system enabled by the Ministry of Justice for civil registries to transfer the information on the burial licenses that are being dispensed during the coronaviru s pandemic has collapsed and new formulas are being sought for them to send the information. Sources from this department have confirmed to Efe the problems that arose after the General Directorate of Legal Security and Public Faith opened an email account so that all the country's registries would send the data to them, key to knowing the incidence of the coronavirus .

Statistics from the Ministry of Health, have alerted administrations such as Madrid, include only the deaths of positive cases and leave out the dead in residences and homes that had not been tested. In fact, Justice asked the civil registries to specify, together with the figures, whether the death had taken place in a hospital, residence or habitual residence.

13.00. Black day in Andalusia with 77 deaths from coronavirus in 24 hours, the worst number since the pandemic was declared

Black day in Andalusia, with 77 deaths with coronavirus in just 24 hours, the worst number since the pandemic and the health crisis caused by Covid-19 was declared, after the 60 died on March 31, Silvia Moreno reports . According to data provided this Wednesday by the Ministry of Health, Andalusia already accumulates 605 deaths, 77 more than this Tuesday. This rate has risen 14.5% on the previous day. About 30% of these deceased are inmates of nursing homes.

12.51. Madrid sends health personnel to the hospitals of Castilla y León for the coronavirus

The Madrid City Council will collaborate with the Junta de Castilla y León to increase the health personnel of this region in their fight against the coronavirus . In the near future, some twenty Samur-Civil Protection sanitarians and another 20 volunteers from this Corps will temporarily join the hospital centers of Soria and Segovia, two of the provinces of that community in which a rate is being registered important of infected.

12.46. The WHO warns that "this is not the time to relax the measures"

The European branch of the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a warning message: "This is not the time to relax measures." The WHO has been blunt that despite the fact that there are beginning to be some "positive signs" in certain countries of the region, because it is too soon to reduce measures to contain the spread of the new coronavirus . "This is not the time to relax the measures. We must double and triple our collective efforts to eliminate the coronavirus with the support of the entire society," said Hans Kluge at an online press conference from Copenhagen.

12.38. The Government launches a 24-hour consultation chat on WhatsApp about the coronavirus

The Government has launched the Hispabot-Covid19 conversational assistant that works through WhatsApp and uses artificial intelligence and natural language to respond to citizens' concerns about the coronavirus with "official, accurate and updated" information. Hispabot-Covid19 is a 'chatbot' service that will allow citizens to get "immediate" answers to the "most common" questions about the coronavirus 24 hours a day.

12.31. The WHO, to Spain "The Spanish response to the coronavirus has been heroic"

Canadian doctor Bruce Aylward, who led the World Health Organization (WHO) mission that visited Spain to analyze the response to the coronavirus , said that the country's response to the pandemic has been "heroic" and noted that the current trend in that territory "moves to hope". "The response in Spain has been truly heroic, and the work of those on the front line has been extraordinarily innovative," said Aylward at a press conference, after an eight-day mission to Spain that included visits to care centers. to patients in Madrid and Toledo.

The head of the group of epidemics and health emergencies of the WHO added that Spain has managed to reduce the time of duplication of cases in the country from two days in early March to eight today, which in his opinion gives hope and evidence that the epidemic "has effectively stopped . "

12.27. "There are still difficult weeks" due to the coronavirus crisis

As a consequence of the need for beds in Intensive Care Units (ICUs), which lags behind the notification of cases, the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, has warned the Coronavirus Monitoring Commission in Congress of the need to keep in mind that there are still "difficult weeks" for the health system.

"The objective of the extension of measures is clear: accelerate the process of slowing down contagion to save lives and help our health system to take care of the most serious patients," he emphasized. Similarly, Illa recalled that thanks to the measures implemented with the royal decree of alarm status, it has been verified that they are having a "direct effect" on mobility and, therefore, on the reduction of the transmission speed of the virus.

12.23. Government ensures that its actions for the coronavirus follow the WHO line since December 7

The Government assures that it has carried out actions in the line proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) on the coronavirus outbreak since last December 7, 2019, as it has responded in writing to questions from parliamentary groups on the management of this crisis. In these responses, from March 11, the Executive highlights that all the updated information on the coronavirus is available on the website of the Ministry of Health and adds that Spain "is carrying out actions along the lines proposed by the WHO since day 7 December 2019 ".

The Government insists that the Ministry of Health is in permanent contact with international organizations, both the WHO and the Center for European Disease Control and the European Commission (ECDC), "to assess the risks of the situation and coordinate response measures. " And remember that the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that the coronavirus outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Importance

12.13. Illa, on the coronavirus: "When we speak of the dead there are no good figures"

"When we talk about deceased people, there is no good data." This is how categorical the Health Minister, Salvador Illa, has been in the Health Commission on the evolution of the coronavirus in Congress. However, the minister has released a positive message, "the slowdown in the curve." "As of March 25, the death toll decreased and since April 2 it began to decrease. The data confirms the stabilization of the curve, its flattening. We have reached the peak of the curve and we are in a phase of slowdown "he stated.

As for the data provided this Wednesday by the Ministry of Health where the number of deaths and infections has risen again in the last 24 hours, Illa explained that despite this increase, the curve continues to slow down. "A week ago the daily increase was 7%, 15 days ago it was 15%, today it is 4%. In addition, more than 7,000 people have needed admission to the ICUs, a figure that represents an increase of 5%. one week was 9% ", he added.

12.07. Roskilde music festival canceled by coronavirus

The Roskilde music festival, one of the largest in Europe, announces the cancellation of its 2020 edition, after the Danish government has banned mass gatherings until August 31.

11.34. New spike in deaths from coronavirus in Spain: 757 in one day

Spain has once again experienced a rebound in the number of deaths from coronavirus. If this Tuesday the downward trend was lost due to the so-called "weekend effect", this Wednesday it grew again to 14,555 deaths, 757 more in the last 24 hours. In addition, another 4,813 people have recovered from coronavirus , which is 48,021, according to the latest data provided by the Ministry of Health, which for the first time does not offer the count of patients admitted to the ICU while waiting for the communities Give the cumulative income figures.

11.25. Withholdings upon departure from Madrid

Some exit roads in Madrid, such as the A-1 or A-3, currently register slow circulation, although, as reported by the DGT, this agglomeration of vehicles does not even reach a kilometer. Earlier this morning, the A-5 also had a similar situation, reports Virginia Gómez .

11.08. The Community of Madrid enables two hotels for the elderly who do not have symptoms of coronavirus

The Community of Madrid has enabled two hotels as temporary accommodation for elderly people residing in residences that do not present symptoms of the coronavirus and have not had "close contact" with a possible or confirmed case. It is the Hotel Room Mate Alicia, with 34 rooms, and the Hotel Room Mate Alba, with 80, both located in the Huertas neighborhood of the capital, reports Marta Belver .

This is one of the measures adopted by the regional government in the face of the high number of deaths in these nursing homes. From the beginning of the health crisis until Thursday of last week, 3,383 deaths of the elderly from various causes had been recorded, although a high number - not specified - is due to the incidence of the expansion of Covid-19 .

The hotels will remain as nursing homes for the duration of the state of alarm, although the period could be extended by another seven calendar days "depending on the organizational and healthcare needs" derived from the evolution of the pandemic, as stated in the order published this Wednesday in the Official Gazette of the Community of Madrid. The establishments will assume the maintenance service of the building, the night security and the payroll of two receptionists, while the rest of the expenses are borne by the Ministry of Social Policies.

11.06. TSJC orders Justice to facilitate "massive access" to coroanvirus tests in prisons

The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) has ordered the Department of Justice to provide all penitentiary centers with "urgent and immediate" access "mass" to rapid tests for coronavirus and provide protective material to prevent infection . In a car, the social chamber of the TSJC has admitted the precautionary measures requested by the CCOO union and has required the Ministry to deliver masks, gloves, gowns, protective sleeves, face shields, goggles, antiseptic gels and thermometers in all prisons. contact and replace the expired material with new.

11.04. The Government simplifies the procedures to recognize unemployment benefits for the coronavirus

The Government has adopted a series of extraordinary measures to simplify the processing of applications for benefits before the Public State Employment Service (SEPE), the Social Institute of the Navy (ISM) and Social Security as a result of the declaration of the state of alarm by coronavirus and the closing of offices facing the public.

These simplification measures have been included in the Royal Decree-law for the hiring of the unemployed and immigrants in the agricultural sector, approved this Tuesday by the Council of Ministers and published this Wednesday in the Official State Gazette (BOE). Thus, for the provisional resolution of applications for unemployment benefits submitted by citizens, the Executive establishes that, if the applicant lacks an electronic certificate or permanent password, he may formalize his provisional application for access to unemployment protection through of a pre-application form available on the SEPE website and at its electronic headquarters, or at the Social Security electronic headquarters for the case of workers included in the Special Scheme for Sea Workers.

10.50. The Government asks the EU to "rise to the occasion" against the coronavirus

The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, said on Wednesday that the EU must "rise to the challenge" and offer a solid response to the coronavirus health emergency, but also to economic reconstruction. This was said by Planas in an interview by Catalunya Ràdio after the Eurogroup meeting of ministers ended without an agreement after 16 hours of negotiation and it was decided to repeat the meeting on Thursday in a new attempt to unlock a package of economic measures to alleviate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Asked about dates to start the population's lack of confidence, he said that you have to be careful because there is no road map: "It is an absolutely unprecedented, unfortunate, dramatic experience ... but the way and how we combat this disease is done by at the same time that the disease is investigated. "

10.41. Coronavirus: they evacuate an Evangelical cult center where 23 faithful celebrated Palm Sunday

National Police officers evacuated a low in the central Barrio del Carmen de Murcia, inside which 23 people were celebrating Palm Sunday, despite the confinement measures decreed by the state of alarm to fight the coronavirus , according to sources from the aforementioned body reported in a statement. It was around 9:30 in the morning when numerous calls from neighbors to the 091 Operating Room warned that many people were accessing the place where they usually celebrate worship.

10.38. Coronavirus: the increase in car departures continues in the Barcelona metropolitan area

The increase in car departures in the Barcelona metropolitan area started by Easter is maintained. This Tuesday 199,483 vehicles circulated, which is 6% compared to the previous Tuesday when the state of emergency was already ordered. On Monday, April 6, there were 197,073 vehicles, so traffic increased 1%. The Mossos d'Esquadra intensify the controls to denounce those who go to second homes

10.36. Donato Sabia, European champion of 800 meters in 1984, dies from coronavirus

The Italian athlete Donato Sabia , winner of the European gold in the 800 meters indoor track in Gothenburg 1984, has died at the age of 56 by coronavirus in the hospital in Potenza (southern Italy). Sabia, who tested positive for the coronavirus, had been in intensive care at the Potenza hospital for a few days and died this morning, according to Italian media. The Italian athlete lived the best moment of his career in the 80s, when he conquered the European gold in the 800 meters indoor track in Gothenburg 1984 and was twice finalists in the same specialty in the Olympic Games in Los Angeles 1984 and Seoul 1988.

10.27. Coronavirus: Sevilla presents ERTE "due to force majeure"

Sevilla has announced that it has requested from the Andalusian Government authorities a Temporary Employment Regulation File (ERTE) "due to force majeure" and that, among other measures, it will mean a 70% reduction in player salaries and technical staff of its professional teams.

The group from Seville indicated that, "as it is public and notorious", the stoppage of sports activities by the State of Alarm decreed by the Government to deal with the coronavirus has "substantially affected the main activity of the club." "For this reason, the Board of Directors, in an exercise of responsibility, has decided to present this Tuesday, before the Andalusian Labor Authority, an ERTE due to force majeure, for the period that the decreed State of Alarm lasts and is affected the activity of this club, "said Sevilla in a statement

10.20. President of the European Research Council resigns due to coronavirus management

The President of the European Research Council, Mauro Ferrari, has submitted his resignation through a letter sent to the Financial Times . In the letter, Ferrari assures that his resignation is due to discrepancies in the management of the coronavirus crisis. He claims to be "deeply disappointed" by Europe's response to the coronavirus pandemic. Discrepancies began in March, he explains, when "it was clear that the pandemic would be a tragedy of unprecedented proportions." Ferrari claims that there has been "a total lack of coordination". The former president of the European Research Council affirms that his proposals to face the pandemic were rejected by the Scientific Committee and that he has lost "faith in the system".

10.14. The PP proposes a pact "for respirators, masks, gloves and massive tests"

The PP's general secretary, Teodoro García Egea, has assured that "the time has come" to work on an agreement "for the respirators, masks, gloves and massive tests" since that is "the pact that all of Spain expects". In an interview on Spanish Television, García Egea has insisted that "no one should go to the front" to fight the coronavirus "without adequate protection." "No businessman would send his people to work without adequate protection measures, and Pedro Sánchez sends many people to work, to gamble, to the front line."

10.04. The CEOE calculates that the economy will fall up to 9% in 2020 due to the coronavirus

The CEOE employers estimates that GDP will fall between 5% and 9% in 2020 due to the coronavirus , according to a study that considers various scenarios, in which unemployment would increase between half a million and 900,000 people. Thus, in the best scenario, GDP will fall 5% in the year as a whole and there will be 560,400 more unemployed, up to 3.8 million; while in the most adverse, the fall in GDP could be around 9% and unemployment would rise by 912,000 people, to almost 4.2 million.

09.48. Netherlands: It is "too soon" for the coronavirus financial aid package

Dutch Finance Minister Wopke Hoekstra has insisted that it is "too soon" for a total package of aid to the economies of the countries of Southern Europe, those most affected by the coronavirus , and called for the EU "to put provision extra money "without conditions only for sanitary expenses.

In several messages on his Twitter account, Hoekstra summarized that the Eurogroup meeting in the last hours has been "long, intense but also constructive", but stressed that the Netherlands "was, is and continues to be against the Coronabonds because they are increasing risks in Europe, instead of reducing them. " "In addition to being reckless, it is also not reasonable (to issue Eurobonds). In this case, the Netherlands would be taking over debts incurred by others," he added.

09.30. Coronavirus: relatives can fire loved ones at Ifema hospital

A team of psychologists works every day in the temporary hospital installed in Ifema giving care to the relatives who say goodbye to their loved ones who died from the coronavirus in the complex and also to the patients and workers who need their help. This unit is made up of professionals and volunteers from Samur-Protección Civil, Summa 112, the Red Cross and the psychosocial teams of the Madrid courts, according to Emergencias Madrid. "Fortunately with family members, you can say goodbye to your loved ones. At the beginning of that farewell, we can intervene with that family member, make a preparation and then start that very painful duel," says Samur-Civil Protection psychologist Javier de Blas. .

09.26. Coronavirus: the Ibex 35 falls 1.25% at the open and loses 7,000

The Ibex 35 has started the session with a fall of 1.25%, which has led the selective to stand at 6,914.60 integers at 9.01 am, after the meeting of ministers of Economy and Finance of the Eurozone ( Eurogroup) has ended without agreement after 16 hours of negotiation. In this way, the Ibex 35 began the day in red and lost the psychological level of the 7,000 integers, after gaining 2.3% yesterday in a context in which the spread of the coronavirus may have started the path of stabilization in Europe .

09.10. The Generalitat increases the official number of deaths from coronavirus in residences to 1,213

The Department of Labor, Social Affairs and Family of the Generalitat has reported that since March 15, have died of coronavirus 1,123 people in nursing homes Catalonia (rectifies this way the data provided last night of 1,047 deaths). The figure represents an increase of 214 deaths compared to the data on Sunday night: 909. The Department of Health of the Generalitat reported last night that the total number of deaths from Covid-19 in Catalonia is 3,041, so in Geriatric centers account for more than a third of official deaths in the community, reports Gerard Melgar.

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  • Science and health
  • Covid 19
  • Health
  • Spain

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