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A 37-year-old pregnant woman with coronavirus and her baby die in La Coruña

3/29/2020, 9:45:25 PM

A 37-year-old pregnant woman infected with coronavirus has died this Sunday at the Maternal and Child Hospital of A Coruña after having undergone a cesarean section in which

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A 37-year-old pregnant woman infected with coronavirus has died this Sunday at the Maternal and Child Hospital of A Coruña after having undergone a cesarean section in which the creature, who was born dead , was removed, sources confirmed to Europa Press. sanitary companies aware of the case.

The woman, who had a previous chronic pathology , felt bad this Saturday night and had a fever. When she entered this Sunday morning, she underwent the test to determine if she was infected with COVID-19, given her feverish state since she was going to be taken to the operating room to perform a caesarean section, a test that tested positive .

In addition, according to the latest balance of the Galician Health Service (Sergas) in the last hours, a woman and a man of 85 and 84 years also died, both admitted to the Lucus Agusti Hospital in Lugo , and a 71-year-old woman attended in the Ferrol University Hospital Complex (Chuf) . All of them had various previous pathologies.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • La Coruña
  • Coronavirus
  • Covid 19

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