Teller Report

France More than 10,000 infected people New coronavirus

3/19/2020, 7:49:46 PM

The French government announced on January 19 that the number of people infected with the new coronavirus increased by 1861 from the previous day (18) to 19,955…

France More than 10,000 infected people New type coronavirus March 20 4:43

The French government announced on June 19 that the number of people infected with the new coronavirus increased by 1861 from the previous day (18) to 19,955. The number of dead increased by 108 to 372.

In France, to limit the spread of the new coronavirus, outings are restricted throughout the country, and even the most famous tourist spot in the world, Paris, has few people and is quiet.

Going out of the country has been severely restricted since 17th of this month in France, and people are not allowed to go out except for the purchase of groceries and other necessities and those who cannot work from home, and will be fined if they do not comply.

In Paris, one of the world's leading tourist destinations, cafes and restaurants, as well as museums, are all closed, and almost no people can be seen on the Champs-Elysées, where luxury boutiques are lined up, and around the iconic Arc de Triomphe. Hmm.

In the streets near the Louvre Museum, where many of the world's best paintings are on display, all stores had their shutters down and there were few walking people.

A doctor woman saying that she is on her way to work says, "I have had various difficulties (terrorism, strikes, etc.), but it feels very strange that Paris is completely empty and people are gone like this." I was

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